Brrrrrr It's Cold Out Here... We have a TON of coats in the Lost and Found!
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Lost and Found
Claremore Varsity Cheer Mini Clinic for Grades PreK-6th. February 4th and 6th. #roosarocks #chsvarsitycheer #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Cheer Clinic
Hey Zebra family…. nothing is more important than keeping you and your children safe and healthy. Due to adverse weather, Claremore Public Schools is CLOSED on Friday, January 10th. Have SNOW much fun and MAKE A MEMORY! All after-school activities, athletics, and competitive events have also been canceled. Updates will be on all CPS platforms (Website, Mobile App, Facebook, Twitter & Email) and local TV stations. Download the app on Android or iPhone. Make sure your contact information is up to date on your parent portal. Be safe, stay warm, and make it “A Great Day To Be A Zebra.”
about 2 months ago, CPS Communications
snow day zebra with sign
Who is that throwing Snowballs at Mrs. Reavis? Mrs. Shaw and Dax of course! We love a good snowball toss! #roosarocks #snowballtoss #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Mrs. Shaw and Dax
Mrs. Shaw and Dax
Mrs. Shaw and Dax
Mrs. Armbrister's 1st-grade class learned to measure using nonstandard tools this week. They utilized items such as cubes, dominoes, popsicle sticks, and even snowballs to measure length. They ended their lesson with a snowball fight! So, much fun! #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Jesus experienced snow for the first time today, making and throwing a snowball! Mrs. Hostler enjoyed sharing this special moment with him. #roosarocks #firstsnowever #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
First Ever Snowball
Representative Mark Lepak and Jim Scantlin from the Reveille Rotary Club presented the Roosa 3rd-grade students with their own dictionaries. The students were very excited to have a dictionary of their own with their names already in it! Thank you! #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Dictionary Pass out
Dictionary Pass out
Dictionary Pass out
Dictionary Pass out
Dictionary Pass out
Dictionary Pass out
"Oh, we're halfway there!! ... Take some snacks, you'll make it, I swear!!" The Fabulous Roosa PTO provided snacks and encouragement for the staff today! The Roosa PTO always goes above and beyond to show how much they appreciate the staff! Thank you so much! #roosaptorocks #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Halfway There
Happy New Year! The 5th-grade classes celebrated being back in school with a grape juice toast and a prop-filled photo booth. #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
Happy New Year! The 5th-grade classes celebrated being back in school with a grape juice toast and a prop-filled photo booth. #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
Happy New Year! The 5th-grade classes celebrated being back in school with a grape juice toast and a prop-filled photo booth. #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Happy New Year
5th Happy New Year
Happy New Year! The 5th-grade classes celebrated being back in school with a grape juice toast and a prop-filled photo booth. #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade Happy New Year
5th Grade New Year
5th Grade New Year
Yeah!! Welcome Back Roosa Students! We have missed you! #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Welcome Back, Roosa!! We can't wait to see your smiling faces tomorrow morning! Remember to please dress for the very cold weather! #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Cold Weather
Congratulations to Roosa's very own Thomas Nolan on winning first place at the District Hoop Shoot for boys aged 10-11. Thomas will now move on to the State Competition on February 2nd. Way to go, Thomas!! We will be cheering for you! #roosarocks #cpszebrapride #roosahoopshoot
about 2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Thomas at Hoop Shoot
Turn those Alarms back on- School starts Tuesday, January 7th.
2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Stay Well this Winter Break and remember to Wash Your Hands! #roosarocks #nogermsonme #cpszebrapride
2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Washing Away Germs
Mrs. Daniel's class made reading aloud enjoyable for everyone. Each student received a snowball for correctly answering a question about the story or for reading aloud. At the end of the story, they had a snowball fight while listening to the entire "Jingle Bell Rock" song. #roosarocks #roosafifthgrade #cpszebrapride
2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Snowball Fight
Snowball Fight
Snowball Fight
No Interruptions Day, December 31st. This day encourages people to take a break from the hustle of life and to take some time for themselves. It is a reminder to turn off all distractions, such as phones, computers, and television, and to focus on important tasks. #roosanaps #cpszebrapride
2 months ago, Roosa Communication
No Interruptions Day
Mrs. Mann's class read the story “Going Places” by Paul Reynolds. One of the key themes in the story is learning how to let go and be creative. Like in the book, each child received their own kit and built their own “contraptions”! #roosarocks #cpszebrapride
2 months ago, Roosa Communication
Going Places
Going Places
Going Places
Going Places
Going Places
Going Places
Going Places
Going PLaces