Our after-school choir is open to all boys and girls in 4th and 5th grades. We use this opportunity to learn about choral music, singing in harmony, performance techniques, and teamwork! Choir also serves as preparation for students to join performing groups of other kinds.
For further information about Honor Choir, Please contact Mrs. Ayers at Molly.Ayers@claremore.k12.ok.us

Native American Club is a student organization that works to serve the needs of Native American students at Claremont. We share the culture and heritage of Native Americans and stimulate students' interest to learn more. The club provides a source of friendship and support for everyone involved.
For further information about Native American Club, please contact Mrs. Alexander at Muriel.Alexander@claremore.k12.ok.us

The goal of Robotics is to encourage students to think outside of the box. We work together to problem solve and develop critical thinking skills that are so crucial to developing students who can engage and solve problems on their own. The club stretches the brains of the students involved.
For further information, please contact Mrs. Lakey at C.Lakey@claremore.k12.ok.us

The Good News Club is an outside organization that will be meeting in the Roosa Library every Wednesday after school.
For further information about The Good News Club. Please contact Suzi Collins at 918-504-4565.