Good news!
School pictures taken at ROOSA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL on 10/03/2024 are now available for parents to view and order online.
School Pictures are Ready!
View and order at
Event Code: FE102624
Images are secured using the email address(es) provided to us by the school.
Book Fair is still going strong! Remember it is not too late to put money on your student's ewallet. JOM money will NOT be available at the Fall Book Fair, IT will be available for the Spring Book Fair!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosabookfair
The Claremore Indian Education Committee(IEC) wil be having a special meeting on Tuesday October 8th ,2024 from 5:45-6:30 p.m. at the Enrollment Center located at 101 West 11th. The meeting will be held for the purpose of holding the JOM Annual Election.
To serve on the JOM IEC, a person must be the parent or guardian of a JOM verified child. School board members or spouses, school administrators or spouses and school employees or spouses cannot serve on the committee.
Any parent, community member, or others interested may attend the meeting
Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Lakey, and Mrs. Kropp went to the NASA OKSG STEM professional development on Saturday, and they had a lot of fun! They also learned a lot to bring back to the students at Roosa! Way to go Ladies!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #blastoff
Mrs. Rumsey's Class is working on non-standard measurement! Look at those smart kids learning cool things!
#roosarocks #cpszebrapride #kindersarecool
Book Fair Day 2! We are off and running this morning! Look at all those happy faces!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocls #roosabookfair
Floor Hockey in PE Class this week! This looks like a blast!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #coachjohnsonrocks
Book Fair opens daily at 7:40. Don't forget we will be open this Thursday evening during PT Conferences until 7:00. You can come shop even if you don't have a conference! You can also still put money on your childs ewallet.
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosabookfair
Mrs. Mann's Class used magnifying glasses to look for Phonics words. They were like Super Sleuths!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks
Roosa Staff Shout Out Today was Fantastic! Parents and Staff send the name of an employee who they feel is Amazing... it is so hard to choose because they are all fabulous! These ladies were Stellar, Stupendious, Glorious, and Kind!
Congratulations to Mrs. Rippy and Mrs. Frazier. They are our September Spectacular Staff of the Month!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosastaffshoutout
Book Fair Starts TODAY! Best Day Ever!!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosabookfair
Book Fair Preview Was a Hit! Remember the Book Fair is open daily! We will be open during PT Conferences next Thursday as well.
PTO Mini Golf Fundraiser Today at Ralph's Mini Island Golf. $6 a person.
Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here: #ScholasticBookFairs
Today we celebrate our wonderful, custodian, Yajaira! She is amazing and takes such great care of Roosa and our students! Thank you for all you do! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #custodiansday
Today we celebrate our wonderful, custodian, Yajaira! She is amazing and takes such great care of Roosa and our students! Thank you for all you do!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #custodiansday
Mrs. Gregg’s first-grade class just finished classroom interviews! The students did a great job and were very proud of their interviews! Way to go!!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks
Happy October! We have a very important visitor in the library this month. Scary Potter has come from Hogwarts to watch over the students in the library! He also brought something special if you are "caught" being good!
#cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosalibrary #scarypotter
A Message from our PTO President
T-Minus 4 Days until the Book Fair! This year's Book Fair is going to be epic! More Books. More Choices. More Fun. Best WEEK EVER!! Start exploring together on our school's Book Fair homepage:
#cpszebrapride #roosabookfair #roosarocks