In PE class this week, the 4th graders competed in OBMIL. OBMIL is the opposite of limbo. The highest jumper in 4th grade was Thomas! Way to go Thomas Nolan! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #futurehighjumper #coachjohnsonrocks
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Thomas Jumping
October 16th National Cat Day. Here are some of the Roosa's Staff Cats. They are purrfect! #cpszebrapride #roosakitties #crazycatpeople #roosarocks
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Princess and Jupiter
Mister Moo
Raven and Miss Bernard
Melvin and Miss Bernard
Bajer Meowfield
October 16th National Cat Day. Here are some of the Roosa's Staff Cats. They are purrfect! #cpszebrapride #roosakitties #crazycatpeople #roosarocks
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Russell and Stella
Perez Cat
Archie Lakey
Harry and Zelda
Perez Cat
Perez Cat
It's off to the Pumpkin Patch 2nd Grade goes! A beautiful, crisp, fall morning and a field trip! What a way to end the week! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #pumpkinpatch #secondgradefieldtrip
3 months ago, Mary Kropp
Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkin Patch
Pumpkin Patch
October 16th National Cat Day. Here are some of the Roosa's Staff Cats. They are purrfect! #cpszebrapride #roosakitties #crazycatpeople #roosarocks
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Mr.Crum Cat
Foster Cat
Collier Cat
Collier Cat
Roosa's Native American Club made Cherokee Booger Masks. These masks were originally created as part of the Booger Dance, a winter celebration that ensured evil spirits could not disrupt the coming growing season. #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #nativeamericanclub #roosarocks
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Native Club
Native Club
Mrs. Page's Class reached their goal of 120 compliments and earned a Popcorn Party! Way to Go! That is a lot of compliments! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #gemodelschool
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Page's Popcorn Party
Fire Safety Week brought us a special visitor to first grade. Lt. Page, from TFD, brought his gear and Ms.O'Dell tried on all the pieces. Lt. Page also showed the kids how he breathes in a fire with his mask on. Thank you, Lt. Page!
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Lt. Page
Lt. Page
Lt. Page
Lt. Page
Lt. Page
Fire Safety Week at Roosa - Kindergarten learned all about fire safety, firemen, and fire trucks. #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosafiresafety
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Fire Safety Week
Fire Safety Week
Fire Safety Week
Brrrrrr. There is a chill in the morning air so please make sure and check out our Lost and Found section. It seems to be growing!
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Lost and Found
Roosa Says BEAT Pryor!! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosahasthebestnurse
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Beat Pryor
🍁CPS will be closed for FALL BREAK October 17-18, 2024. Do you need something to do? 🎃 Carve a pumpkin and post a photo in the comments on our social media. Enjoy the time with your family, make a memory, and we will see you on Monday, October 21st.
3 months ago, CPS Communications
pumpkins with Zebra carving
We know Roosa students LOVE a good contest so we're here with another one! 😁 the class that brings in the MOST 12 oz cans will win a PTO chaperoned movie & popcorn. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Contest runs October 11th thru October 23rd! 😁 we can't wait to see who wins!
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
October spirit shirt-of-the-month! Order yours at the link below!
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Brian playing Candyland and beating Mrs. Shaw. #cpszebrapride #roosarocks
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Brian and Mrs. Shaw
What is more fun than a room full of Kindergarteners? A room full of Kindergarteners playing Floor Hockey with Coacn Johnson! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #coachjohnsonrocks #floorhockey
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
Floor Hockey
I scream, You scream, We all scream for Ice Cream! It must be Ice Cream Wednesday! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #icecreamday
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Ice Cream Smiles
Ice Cream Day
Reminder Book Fair is Open until 7:00 pm tonight! We close at noon Friday!! #cpszebrapride #roosarocks #roosabookfair
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
PTO Fall Festival is Coming Up , on Friday, October 25th. Wristbands are $10/child until 10/24, $15 day of the event at the door. Wristbands will be sent home with kiddos as they are bought. Tickets for food, silly string, and teacher jail can only be purchased at the Fall Festival. Wristbands can be ordered online via QR code on the attached flyer. Link is also pasted below. Students can bring cash or check (made out to PTO) to Ms. Susan. PTO will also be available during PT conferences for wristband purchases. Order link:
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
PTO Fall Festival
Red Ribbon Week is Coming Up - It starts October 28th. Here is the Information so you can start planning! #cpszebrapride #redribbonweek #roosarocks #drugfree
3 months ago, Roosa Communication
Red Ribbon Week