We’re thrilled to announce Claremore Public Schools, new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2OE8G1C or iPhone: https://apple.co/2MDu6cz #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, Bryan Frazier
CPS launches new APP
CPS Parent Portal is one way we keep you informed about your students' academics and attendance. Letters with your activation codes were sent home with your student last week. However, if you encounter any issues or did not receive the form, please contact lkibbe@claremore.k12.ok.us. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Parent Portal
Early Out Friday Starts TODAY! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Early Out Friday
Tickets are now on sale for CPSF Claremore's Got Talent!
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Tickets are not on sale!
As you prepare for your back to school routines - here are the school times for each site. When a child is not present or on time they miss vital instructional material. Attendance Matters! Education Matters! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Campus Schedule
Five teachers attened #CPSSTAFFSUMMERSCHOOL professional development from EduSkills for our EL (English Language Learners) teachers. This PD focused on new changes in Oklahoma state law and how to use the latest software program, which simplifies paperwork. Guero Loco also trained teachers on how to reach our English Learner students in fun, positive ways through music and relationships.   Left to right: Jamie Hernandez, Kristy Hostler, performer Guero Loco, Rachel Foster, Vicki Hanson, and Stacye Bacon #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #CPSSTAFFSUMMERSCHOOL
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
EDUSKILLS Professional Development
Teaching children about their bodies, and how to respect and care for them is a top priority for our physical education department district-wide. Professional Learning Communities are not just for core subjects. CPS Elementary PE teachers planned their own #CPSSTAFFSUMMERSCHOOL and took a day to collaborate and prepare curriculum for the new school year. In addition to exercising the body, our students will be learning about bones, muscles, the circulatory system, and nutrition. Erica Johnson - Roosa, Sommer Faulconer - Westside, Jeannie Seidel - Catalayah, and Debbie Steuart - Claremont are all excited to get the new school year started!  #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
PE teachers planned curriculum this summer
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Athletic Passes NOW ON SALE
Claremore Public Schools participated in the 5th annual Rogers County Coalition Back-To-School Bash! Claremore principals passed out school supply lists and school supplies to those in attendance. They also enjoyed answering questions & talking with parents and students. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
 Rogers County coalition back to school bash .
Four WRJH teachers attended #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL hosted by Open Up Resources: Rhonda Bart, Karey Provence, Kelli Hightower, and Melynee Naegele. Open Up offers a math curriculum for 6th - 8th grade combined with quality professional development for teachers. Open Up Resources began as the K-12 Collaborative, a 13-state initiative to address quality gaps in the curriculum market. They partnered with leading math and ELA experts to design the very best standards-aligned core programs. Their products are provided to districts at no cost by publishing them as Open Educational Resources. Open Up Resources couples that curriculum with opportunities for essential supports, from professional development by the nation's premier teachers and educational experts to printed materials. In addition, Melynee Naegele - WRJH Math Teacher, was one of the featured presenters. She shared her best practices on how she implements the Open Up Math curriculum in her classroom. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Here they are! We are extremely proud to introduce you to the 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year finalists! 🎉🎉🎉 Details, names and districts here: http://bit.ly/2020OKTOY “These 12 individuals represent the highest standard of education in our state and are exceptional examples of the tremendous impact one person can make in the lives of kids.” - State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister Congrats, everyone! The 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year will be named Sept. 17 in a ceremony at State Fair Park in Oklahoma City.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Michell Rahn State TOY Finalist
The "Bart" name has a long history influencing students in the Claremore area. As 3rd generation teacher @Kaylee Bart is one of the newest additions to the @Roosa Elementary staff. Although she is fresh out of college, Miss Bart leaped right into #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL by attening three days at Camp SevenStar in Park Hill attending a virtual reality training. At this training, she was able to explore how to integrate virtual reality into her lessons. "I was able to get into a VR headset and immerse myself in many different environments. On the final day, we took our state academic standards and created a lesson plan using the VR headset; I was amazed at all of the different ways I can teach math using virtual reality." After arriving home, Miss Bart shared her experience with her mom, Mrs. Bart a WRJH math teacher who immediately began trying to figure out a way to utilize this tool in her classroom, "I want my students to be able to 'climb' into a quadrilateral when we start our geometry unit." Imagine the impact on learning this will have for our visual and kinesthetic learnings. Engaging more than one learning style is imperative because every student processes information differently. This training was made possible by the @American Indian Resource Center and the @NETSTAR program. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Virtual Reality making math exciting.
Claremore Public School is NOW HIRING dynamic and passionate teachers to be a part of our teaching teams at Claremont and Roosa Elementary and Claremore High School. Apply at: www.claremore.k12.ok.us/employment #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Now Hiring
Claremore Public School is NOW HIRING dynamic and passionate teachers to be a part of our teaching teams at Roosa Elementary and Claremore High School. Apply at: www.claremore.k12.ok.us/employment #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Now Hiring
2019-20 Johnson-O'Malley (JOM) School Supply Distribution - Students with their official Native American membership &/or Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood). JOM students may pick up their school supplies at the Education Service Center located at 101 W. 11th Street on: Thursday, August 8 / 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM Friday, August 9 / 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM For information and questions, please contact: Cindy Sullivan, JOM Coordinator / csullivan@claremore.k12.ok.us
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
JOM School Supply Pick-Up Aug. 8th & 9th 2019
Virtual Reality changes how students experience math. The "Bart" name has a long history of influencing students in the Claremore area. As 3rd generation teacher Kaylee Bart is one of the newest additions to the Roosa Elementary staff. Although she is fresh out of college, Miss Bart leaped right into #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL by attending a three-day at Camp SevenStar in Park Hill attending a virtual reality training. At this training, she was able to explore the integration of virtual reality into her lessons. "I was able to get into a VR headset and immerse myself in a variety of environments. The final day, we created a lesson plan using the VR headset and our state standards. I was amazed at all of the different ways I can teach math using virtual reality." This tool has applications for several disciplines. Bart explained, "As a math teacher, I plan to use the app Tilt Brush to immerse my students in a 3D environment. While teaching about 3D shapes, students will be able to draw their shapes and walk around them to compare similarities and differences. This strategy can also be applied to lines, rays, and angles and finding the area of a shape. This immersive environment can be used in any content area. For example, in Geography, a teacher can use the National Geographic app and travel to Antarctica or other geographic regions. In science, there is a rollercoaster app that you can use to teach potential and kinetic energy." Miss Bart shared her experience with her mom, a WRJH math teacher, who immediately began trying to figure out a way to utilize this tool in her classroom as well. "I want my students to be able to 'climb' into a quadrilateral when we start our geometry unit." Imagine the impact on learning this will have for our visual and kinesthetic learners. Engaging more than one learning style is imperative because every student processes information differently. This training was part of an undergraduate scholarship program Miss Bart through NSU. NETSTAR Scholars is funded through the American Indian Resource Center. They purchased one headset for each scholar and provided the training. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
VR changes the way students see math.
Not only are CPS teachers attending #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL, but many are also sharing their expertise with teachers nation-wide. Claremore's very own Melynee Naegele will be a featured guest speaker at the 2019 Build Math Minds Virtual Summit this year. The Virtual Summit has 39 sessions for math teachers. Harnassing the technology we use to teach with is a cost-effective way teachers can expand their knowledge, resources, and professional community right from home - on a laptop or tablet. It's PD at Your Fingertips! The summit begins on July 28 and FREE registration is open now. If you haven't already registered for the summit, you can learn more about it and register here: https://buildmathminds.com/virtual-math-summit/. Mrs. Maegele will be covering "Making the Most of Your Virtual PLC." The summit is primarily K-5, but most of the presenters span K-12. Naegele's presentation is for anyone wanting to harness Twitter's education community more effectively. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Melynee Naegele Build Math Minds
SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE for Claremont, Roosa, Westside & Will Rogers Jr High. (Catalayah will be posted later today). https://sites.google.com/s/1Aq98EWLTFYFFnWS_oWqRdnwuNI0yk4O3/p/1P-BV84o_Fim9Ro_tFI2wCcjwQJUp2PvK/edit
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
School Supply List
Do you plan on shopping Amazon's Prime Day today or tomorrow?! Show your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE and make your Amazon shopping really count! The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to CLAREMORE PUBLIC SCHOOL FOUNDATION INC if you choose us as your charity! The CPSF mission: is to assist In improving the quality of education in the District Shop via our AmazonSmile.com page and when you buy normally, Amazon will give a little back to the Foundation. All Amazon customers can support their favorite nonprofit organizations each time they shop on smile.amazon.com. 0.5% of each subsequent purchase you make can go directly to the Claremore Public School Foundation Inc. – no further action needed. The program won’t cost you anything except the few minutes it takes to register. This additional perk when doing your shopping through AmazonSmile is a great way to give back effortlessly. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Amazon Smiles - CPSF
SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE for Claremont, Roosa, Westside & Will Rogers Jr High. (Catalayah will be posted later today). #CPSZEBRAPRIDE https://sites.google.com/s/1Aq98EWLTFYFFnWS_oWqRdnwuNI0yk4O3/p/1P-BV84o_Fim9Ro_tFI2wCcjwQJUp2PvK/edit
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications