"It's about RESPECT - we salute the flag and we shake our opponents hand." - Chad Willard, CHS Head Wrestling Coach and Asst. Athletic Director.
Salute to Service / Military Appreciation Night(s) - These events are awesome! Last night's Wrestling "Salute to Service" was indicative of a school, district, and community committed to honoring those who have served, those who are serving, and those that will serve.
"Standing in the gym, named after former Claremore football coach and local legend Frank Mobra who was also a WWII Marine - now that's a heritage and legacy to reflect on," Col. John Rahe.
CHS Wrestling finished the night with a 51-12 varsity win and a 63-15 JV win over Bartlesville.
Save the dates for our next Salute to Service Nights - March 8 (Soccer) and March 10 (Baseball).
CPSF - Claremore Public Schools Foundation - $10 for Teachers
Give the gift that keeps on giving... donate in honor or memory of a teacher.
All funds will go toward classroom grants that will directly impact CPS students!
$10 + $10 + $10 + $10... before you know it, individual donations will add up and we'll have $100, $1000, or $10,000 to give out in teacher grants.
Grants Fund: Classrooms | Library Books | Field Trips | Supplies | Labs | STEM | Literacy | Graphic Design | Art | Music
Donate online on our website or mail checks to PO Box 575 - Claremore, OK 74018
"Enriching the quality of Claremore Public Schools Foundation education in the Claremore Public Schools"
Donate or more info at https://claremorepublicschoolsfoundation.org/
This is a great way to show your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
Not on campus to hear the morning announcements at CHS? You are in luck - we post all of them on the CHS LIVE FEED of the website/mobile app throughout the week.
Download the Claremore Public School App on Android: http://bit.ly/2OE8G1C or iPhone: https://apple.co/2MDu6cz.
We've watched Sylvia Admire swim to success her entire career at Claremore High School. Whether swimming for the Zebras or Trident Auqaatics, she excelled in her sport.
This Zebra will trade her red and white stripes for a Red Bird logo this fall. Sylvia signed her letter of intent to swim for Illinois State University. She is now a D1 athlete at @ISURedbirds!
Sylvia's hard work, sacrifice, and dedication are not limited to her swim strokes; she is also a CHS valedictorian candidate, putting her in the top 4 of the Class of 2023.
#CPSZEBRAPRIDE #OnceAZebraAlwaysAZebra #ISURedBirds
Claremore vs Glenpool this Friday night, Dec. 2nd at home. Let's get our #zebrared on and show up to cheer on our team in our house!
🏀6:30p Girls - https://youtu.be/19GYGyDJV38
🏀7:00p Boys - https://youtu.be/Wvbb_XUpy2k
Please remember to check the lost and found bucket by the Red Hut for any lost items. Airpods, glasses, jewlery and keys are turned into the front office.
Z-E-B -R-A-S Zebras, Zebras, Go Zebras!
Two CHS senior cheerleaders, Kiah Amos and Kayln Ladd, competed for All-Region this week. Seeing their names on the qualifying list for All-Region Cheerleaders, these two talented athletes have set their sites on All-State.
Congratulations and good luck!
Seniors who did not attend the previous CPR training there will be make up days on Dec. 5th and 6th. Please see Mr. Grisham to sign up for one of those days to complete your CPR training which is a graduation requirement.
Winter Ball is just around the corner! Mark your calendar for Friday evening, January 6th 2023 in the high school commons for this semi-formal dance. Tickets will be sold January 4th-6th during all lunches. Price per ticket will be $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Non CHS guests must be pre-approved. Guest forms will be due no later than December 12th and are now available outside room 611 or in the front office.
Senior Guys it's that time of year to start planning to show off your talent in the Mr. Claremore competition. If you are interested in competing in Mr. Claremore please see Mrs. Grace in room 101. The deadline to apply is Dec. 12th.
FUZE Christmas Party For: Freshman When: Tuesday, 4-6 in the Library
Bring: your Ugliest Christmas Sweater What: watch a Christmas Movie, Eat popcorn and drink Hot Cocoa * Prize for Ugliest Christmas Sweater.
If you are a junior and interested in applying for a full ride college scholarship once you graduate high school, the Coolidge Scholarship application is now available. Please see Mrs. Grace in the counseling office, room 101.
A huge shout out to Hailey Pickup, Jenna Smalygo and Jonah Smoot for making it to the semifinals for the Coca-Cola Scholarship application. Out of over 91,000 applications across the United States only 1,557 students were selected and Claremore High School had 3 of those! Congratulations Hailey, Jenna and Jonah!
CPS Cherokee families - CPS been made aware of the 2022 Student Coat Assistance Program available to eligible Cherokee families. Please check your email for more information or log on to your Gadugi Portal > https://www.cherokee.org/chr/%E1%8F%A3%E1%8E%B3%E1%8E%A9-%E1%8E%A0%E1%8F%B0%E1%8E%B5%E1%8E%A4%E1%8F%99%E1%8F%A2%E1%8F%92/gadugi-portal/
DEADLINE is Friday, Dec. 2, 2023.
⬇⬇THIS is why we call them STUDENT-ATHLETES!
Being excellent on the court is not enough; this team had to go and excel in the classroom, too! Claremore Volleyball earned the Academic Achievement Award for a GPA over 3.25…and for the extra brag, the Zebra’s team GPA was 3.71.
💙💙💗This little girl is the third little Zebra born to our CPS family this school year. Congratulation to Mrs. Keeli Coyle and her husband, Curtis, on the birth of their daughter, Charli Ann!
She was born Monday morning, November 28th, weighing 8 lbs. and measuring 19.5" long.
Mrs. Coyle is a math teacher at Claremore High School.
Charli will be welcomed home by a dazzle of zebras, Mom, Dad, big brother Case, Grands - David & Kari Garroutte, and Aunt Sami Garroutte; all have a long, rich history at CPS.
IT'S GIVING TUESDAY and our teachers are worthy recipients. Support the CLAREMORE SCHOOL FOUNDATION!
Your donation to the Claremore Public Schools Foundation helps to enrich the lives of thousands of Claremore Public Schools students. The earnings from this investment are put right back into Claremore classrooms. You are supporting the future of our students, teachers and community. Best of all, your contribution is tax-deductible.
Show your support and #CPSZEBRAPRIDE and donate TODAY! https://claremorepublicschoolsfoundation.org/donate/
Wrestling opens its season tomorrow (11/29/22) at home against Bartlesville with their Military Appreciation Night at 7pm.
Wear your 22-23 CPS Military shirt and get in FREE. Contact Coach Willard if you have not purchased yours - they have some extras in stock.
Thanksgiving is this week and everybody loves that Chick-Fil-A sweet tea and lemonade! Bring it to your holiday gathering, corporate party, or home for dinner. This month Chick-fil-A will donate $1 to the Claremore Public School Foundation. CPSF funds class and teacher grants district-wide.
Go by and grab a gallon or two... or three this month.
CHS 9th, 10th, and 11th graders recently took ACT tests. What are these tests and how are they used?
If you have more questions reach out to your student's counselor or a Gear Up representative at CHS.