Welcome to CHS College and Career Center

Here you will find information about college representatives coming to CHS, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), scholarship opportunities, military branches and career options. If you have college and career questions, please reach out to Mrs. Sarah Adcock, College and Career Pathways Coordinator, in room 523 or by email at sadcock@claremore.k12.ok.us.

College Opportunities

College Reps on campus during ENCORE in the Think Tank-Room 507: Check your SENIORS 2025 Google classroom to sign up OR scan codes on signs on the Think Tank window.

  • Friday, March 7 --- Northeastern State University (NSU)

  • Friday, March 14 --- Tulsa Community College (TCC)

  • Wednesday, March 26 --- Pittsburg State (Pitt State)

  • Monday March 28--- University of Oklahoma(OU)

  • Monday, March 31 --- Oklahoma State University (OSU)

Best colleges resource guide

According to UNIVERSITY HQ~check out some of the nation's best colleges and the best colleges in OKLAHOMA!


For current scholarships, online scholarships and minority scholarships, click

Do you have a plan for college?

Having a plan for college has never been more important! Early planning for college is essential for student success.

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Do You Have a Plan for College? guides for 8th-10th and 11th-12th grade students – now available exclusively online – provide tools to help students and parents:

  • Prepare academically and financially for college.

  • Explore campus and degree options.

  • Navigate the admission process.

  • Utilize OKcollegestart.org, our comprehensive college planning portal for students, parents and educators.

  • Research careers and salary expectations for various jobs.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

click here for more information

Click here to apply for FAFSA:

Types of Financial Aid

In the United States, everyone has the right to a free public education, but not a free college education. The Federal government and most colleges agree that students and their parents are the ones most responsible for paying for college.

The philosophy behind financial aid is that everyone should pay what they can out of income and assets (your EFC), and then financial aid, including any outside resources, makes up the difference.  The only way you can pay less than your EFC is if you get so many outside scholarships that they exceed your financial need. This is highly unlikely.

At many colleges a “B” average can put you in the running for merit money.  Sometimes a separate application is required; sometimes your application for admission is enough.  Don’t count yourself out by not applying; apply and let the college decide!

Private colleges give more financial aid than public ones, but their tuition is usually higher as well.  Public colleges award less aid, but taxpayer support keeps their tuition lower.  Since a high-priced college often awards more assistance than a low-priced one, a particular student might end up paying the same out of pocket cost at both, or even less at the college with a higher sticker price.   That’s why you shouldn’t rule out your “dream college” as too expensive until you find out if it wants you and what kind of financial aid package it will give you.

Counselors' Resource Book

Resource Book

Choosing the Right Courses

Getting Ready for College

Paying for College

Profiles of Colleges and Universities

Military Opportunities

Career Options

City Year-a unique opportunity for ages 17-25