NJROTC Corps of Cadets

2024 DISTINGUISHED UNIT with Academic Honors
Pre-Participation Physical Form
Health Screening Questionnaire
++ NEW! Blood Drive Guardian Permission form ++
Navy Academic Bowl (JLAB) 2023
Parent Participation/Release Form
Academic Guidelines and Rubric
Claremore NJROTC "Corps of Cadets" has a legacy of community and school service. The Claremore Corps is the 5A Oklahoma State Champion Blood Drive NJROTC unit. Community and school service is just something we do and we are proud of it.
Claremore has also received Unit Awards for SY 22-23 and SY 23-24 - Distinguished Unit with Academic Honors.
We are a "funded" unit, meaning there is no cost to our cadets.
We do lots of things in NJROTC, but we focus on keeping our activities and events fun and teamwork is a requirement.
Some of the things we do:
Armed and un-armed drill - marching in parades is an example
Color Guard - performing at football games, basketball games and community/school events
Physical Training / athletics - participation and effort are key
Drones / Unmanned Aerial Systems - This is really fun and challenging - we navigate obstacles, pursue Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) qualifications, learn from each other and have fun - we currently have over 50 drones in our program and you can earn "wings of silver and wings of gold"
STEM events - We are growing in this area to include Cyber and collaborating with our local higher education partner - CyberPatriot is a our latest addition to our program list. CHS in partnership with Rogers State University has added a Cyber Security program - this aligns and is complementary to the NJROTC CyberPatriot program
A competitive Air Rifle / Marksmanship team
Academics - we start with the basics of NJROTC in our classwork and progress to critical thinking, leadership and ethics in our junior and senior studies
Uniforms - We generally wear uniforms once a week and they look sharp - a real source of school and unit pride - and they are totally free to cadets in our program
Leadership Speaker Series - We ask local leaders to share their life and leadership experience so we can hone our own leadership skills
Community / School service - Blood drives, Salvation Army, Food 4 Kids, Food for Vets, Wreath laying, and much more
The NJROTC accredited curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation, meteorology military history, health & wellness, and more. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by extra-curricular activities of community service, academic, athletic, drill and orienteering competitions, field meets, flights, visits to naval or other activities, drone team, and physical fitness training. Electronic classroom equipment, textbooks, uniforms, educational training aids, travel allowance.
Claremore NJROTC is one of the only approved 8th grade programs in the United States. Eighth grade students are full fledged members of our Corps and they are vital to the future of the program.
THERE IS NO OBLIGATION TO JOIN THE MILITARY SERVICE & NJROTC IS NOT THE MILITARY. However, students enrolled in NJROTC have a distinct advantage over other enlistees, or applicants to college JROTC and service academy scholarships.
The NJROTC program was established by Public Law in 1964 which may be found in Title 10, U.S. Code, Chapter 102. The program is conducted at accredited secondary schools throughout the nation, and taught by instructors who are retired Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel.
What does the NJROTC program do?
Promotes Patriotism and Team work
Develops informed and responsible citizens
Develops respect for constructed authority
Develops leadership potential
Promotes high school completion
Promotes higher education
Promotes community service
Develops a high degree of personal honor and discipline
Promotes an understanding of the need for national security
Provides information on the military services as a possible career
What are the student enrollment eligibility requirements?
Enrolled as an JH-12th grader.
Be physically qualified to participate fully in the physical education.
Select NJROTC as an elective.
Maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement.
Maintain acceptable standards of conduct.
Comply with specified personal grooming standards.
What are the benefits of NJROTC?
Approximately 60 percent of the NJROTC cadets who are graduating seniors continue to higher education.
The NJROTC program is motivational in encouraging cadets to graduate from high school and continue to higher education offering free ACT/SAT preparation.
NJROTC cadets are better behaved, have higher attendance, are role models for the avoidance of substance abuse, have higher self-esteem, develop positive life skills, on average have higher grade point averages and graduate at a higher rate.
Cadets learn the value of teamwork and individual accomplishments from belonging to NJROTC.
The character education in NJROTC teaches values, principles, and self-discipline promoting positive, productive behaviors and provides a support structure that is critical not only in helping cadets avoid the use of drugs, but living a healthy and fit lifestyle.
NJROTC provides the opportunity for secondary school students to learn the basic elements and need for national security and their personal obligations as Americans.
The program enhances the image of the military in the eyes of the community by providing a chance for success to the nation's youth.
While the training is along military lines, it is conducted so as to encourage initiative and individuality to develop natural gifts, to teach self-control, develop personal character, responsibility and qualities of integrity, loyalty, and dedication.
Cadets accepted for military enlistment, who provide evidence of successful completion of at least 3 years of NJROTC are entitled to advanced promotion to pay grade E-3 upon initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, and pay grade E-2 in the Marine Corps; or completion of 2 years are entitled to E-2 (except in the Marine Corps and Air Force).
Senior Naval Science Instructor is authorized to nominate a maximum of three eligible cadets each year to compete for U.S. Naval Academy appointments.