Kindergarten Hard at Work #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Kindergarten Hard at Work
Roosa Staff held an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest - Oh, those Ugly Christmas Sweaters! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest
5th Grade researched and used their talents to create a Solar System that showed their unique artistic abilities. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
5th Grade Solar System Project
5th Grade Solar System Project
Mrs. Page's 1st grade class and Mrs. Kropp's 5th grade class get together each each week for "book buddies" they took time for an Art Project and made poinsettias. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Art Project
Art Project
Art Project
Art Project
Mrs. Kerr did a guidance lesson on giving back. She read the book The Spiffiest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson, a book about giving back to others. The classes discussed different scenarios about giving back in different places. The classes wrote and drew about how they would give back. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Mrs. Kerr, Roosa School Counselor
Reindeer Reading 2019, a time of reading fun at Roosa Elementary! The entire school lined up and down the hallways reading books while the 1st graders passed out candy canes to be enjoyed with their books. Reading can be fun especially during the holidays! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Reindeer Reading 2019
Reindeer Reading 2019
Twas the Night Before Christmas For Teachers - By Joyce Luke 'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the school Not a pupil was silent, no matter what rule. The children were busy with paper and paste; The mess that they made with it couldn't be faced. The teacher half frantic and almost in tears, Had just settled down to work with her dears, When out in the hall there arose such a clatter up sprang the kids to see what was the matter! Away to the door they all flew like a flash; The one who was leading went down with a crash. Then what to their wondering eyes did appear But a green Christmas tree! (To decorate I fear!) When the teacher saw this, she almost grew sick. She knew in a moment it must be Old Nick! She ran to the door (all her efforts were vain) But she shouted, and stamped, and she called them by name; "Now Tommy! Now Sandy, Now Judy and Harry! Stop Billy! Stop Robert! Stop Donny and Sherry! Now get to your places get away from the hall Now get away! Get away! Get away all! As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly The pupils, pell mell, started scurrying by. They ran to the blackboard and skipped down the aisle; Their faces were shining and each had a smile. First came a basket of popcorn to string Then came the Christmas tree (menacing thing). As the tree was brought in there arose a great shout; The pupils were merrily romping about. The state they were in could lead to a riot; The teacher was sure, if allowed, they would try it. Her nerves how they jangled! Her temples were throbbing! The rush of her breath sounded almost like sobbing! The lines of her face were as fixed as a mask; It was plain that she didn't feel up to her task. The look in her eye would have tamed a wild steer, But the children ignored it; they did every year. A tear from her eye and a shake of her head Soon led me to think that she wished she were dead. She spoke not a word but went straight to her work, Strung all the popcorn which broke with a jerk. But at last it was finished and placed on the tree; Then came the bell and the children were free. Their shrill little voices soon faded away And peace was restored at the end of the day. As she looked at the Christmas tree glistening and tall, She smiled as she whispered, "Merry Christmas to All"!!
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Merry Christmas to All
The Kindness Grinch was on it again! 1st grade made a top 10 list for how Miss Johnson our PE Teacher, has taught us to be healthy and fit. Thank you, Miss Johnson! #KINDNESSGRINCH #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
1st Grade and the Kindness Grinch
Mr. Peters presented the annual Roosa Family Christmas at the PAC this week. The students sung holiday songs in festive clothing and good cheer! Happy holidays from Roosa Elementary! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Mr. Peters, Roosa Music Teacher
Holiday Music Performance
Santa left Mrs. Newman's class a Kindness Grinch with a Kindness Task. The first task was to make a card or a picture for the Principal. Cannot wait to see what the task is for tomorrow! #KINDNESSGRINCH #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Kindness Grinch
Mrs. Newman's Class giving notes and pictures to Principal Willard
Principal Willard with students from Mrs. Newman's class
Hugs for Principal Willard
The City of Claremore proudly announce one free baseball clinic and one free softball clinic during the month of January 2020. Contact Ron Paris to enroll or ask questions at (918)342-2522 or e-mail
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Free Baseball & Softball Clinics
After months of preparation, 5th grade went to Biztown today. A town ran completely by the students; to include the Mayor's office, a Bank and several other community offices. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
5th Grade at Biztown
5th Grade at Biztown
5th Grade at Biztown
5th Grade at Biztown
Roosa 5th Grade prepared for months and went to visit Biztown. A town ran completely by the students. The students applied for jobs and ran companies in this student lead town. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
5th Grade at Biztown
5th Grade at Biztown
5th Grade at Biztown
5th Grade at Biztown
Mrs. Rhan's 6th grade class designed and created Science games and invited Roosa 3rd grade to come play the games. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Junior High and Roosa 3rd Grade
Junior High and Roosa 3rd Grade
Junior High and Roosa 3rd Grade
December Staff Shout Out Awards were awarded to Mrs. Page and Ms. Anita. They have been chosen by their fellow staff members as going above and beyond! Congratulations!!! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Mrs. Page December Staff Shout Out Award
Ms. Anita December Shout Out Award
Roosa students ages 8 - 13 tried out to be in the Elks Lodge Hoop Shoot Contest. Each contestant had five practice free throw shots and 25 shots that were scored. Winners competed at Verdigris against the surrounding schools in this area. These students will be competing on Jan 11 at Sapulpa in the Region Competition. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
 EverLeigh Nelson 1st Place
Luke Wickham 2nd Place
Addison Reavis 3rd Place
In preparation for Biztown, 5th grade held their elections for city offices. Students ran a campaign to include making a speech and voting for offices such as Mayor and Treasurer. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
5th Grade preparing for Biztown
5th Grade preparing for Biztown
5th Grade preparing for Biztown
5th Grade preparing for Biztown
Roosa Second Grade went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum! They learned about historical and modern aerospace, space travel, rocketry, and other topics. They went to the Planetarium and learned about Stars and even made our own stomp rockets! The tour included walking through and learning about an American Airlines Md-80! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
2nd Grade at Air and Space Museum
2nd Grade at Air and Space Museum
2nd Grade at Air and Space Museum
2nd Grade at Air and Space Museum
Santa Shop will be open this week, December 9th - 11th during school. Extra special day to be open will be December 12th in the evening from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Send money with your student and they can do their holiday shopping. Gifts range from $1 to $5. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
Santa Shop
Santa Shop
4th Grade celebrated Thanksgiving by making costumes and having their very own Thanksgiving feast. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, Roosa Communications
4th Grade Thanksgiving Feast
4th Grade Thanksgiving Feast
4th Grade Thanksgiving Feast