Our GEAR UP representatives are meeting with CHS seniors that intend to enroll at RSU about the Connect U event coming up in April. CONNECT U is a program designed specifically to help high school seniors with the college enrollment process. CONNECT U helps ease the transition to college by providing tools needed for the first day of school. Thursday, April 2, current CHS seniors that have been accepted into Rogers State University will participate in this exclusive event. The day-long activities will include: touring the college campus, enrolling for the fall semester with priority as a GEAR UP student, getting a college ID, discussing financial aid opportunities, finalizing housing for the fall, and completing their placement testing. Students need to bring the following: a photo ID or driver's license, a final transcript, and current health records. Seniors accepted to or in the process of being accepted to RSU feel free to talk to one of our GEAR UP staff members. Sarah Adcock - GEAR UP College Coach Rachelle Sturges - GEAR UP School Specialist Debra Keil - GEAR UP Education Coordinator To find out more about the GEAR UP GRANT check it out here: https://okgearup.org/ #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Our GEAR UP representatives are meeting with CHS seniors that intend to enroll at RSU about the Connect U event coming up in April.
Remember, you can sign up to participate in the Dancing With The Zebras Mini Clinic the day of the clinic. However, to guarantee a t-shirt, you need to register by February 4th. Clinic dates are February 4th or February 10th; dancers can attend both clinics or just one. The performance will be on February 11th at the girls' basketball game. Contact jwarden@claremore.k12.ok.us with any questions. TELL YOUR FRIENDS Forms are available at each site or you can download them from here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/578687/Dancing_with_the_Zebras_Mini_Clinic_Info_and_Registration.pdf #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Remember, you can sign up to participate in the Dancing With The Zebras Mini Clinic on the day of the clinic.
Remember, you can sign up to participate in the Dancing With The Zebras Mini Clinic on the day of the clinic.
CHS parent-teacher conferences will be held from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM on February 6, 2020. Parents will need to make an appointment with your child's teacher(s). You may select your appointment time(s) using the link below. https://www.myconferencetime.com/claremorehs/ CHS will also host class parent meetings for current 8th - 12th graders throughout the evening. Be sure to select your student's counselor to register for one of these essential parent meetings for additional class grade level information. Class of 2020 - Debbie Grace Class of 2022 and 2023 - Kari Forest Class of 2021 - Debbie Grace Class of 2024 (current 8th grade) - Cindy Vanaman We look forward to partnering with you to accomplish our District goals to raise student achievement for all students, to close the achievement gap and provide educational equity for all students, and to ensure a safe educational environment for all students. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Kerri Garroutte
Parent Teacher Conferences February 6th
Grade level class meetings -  February 6th
Claremore High School's GLOW ASSEMBLY is always a crowd favorite. Check out the videos on our Facebook Page. You can find them here, https://www.facebook.com/ClaremorePublicSchools/ and remember to LIKE the page before leaving. Want to see all our posts? Click the FOLLOWING tab and SEE FIRST. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Claremore High School's GLOW ASSEMBLY is always a crowd favorite.
Claremore High School's GLOW ASSEMBLY is always a crowd favorite.
Claremore High School's GLOW ASSEMBLY is always a crowd favorite.
Claremore High School's GLOW ASSEMBLY is always a crowd favorite.
If you can’t be in the seats at the Claremore High School gym you can watch basketball homecoming on ClaremoreZebra.TV.
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore homecoming court
Basketball homecoming court
Join us for the Claremore High School basketball homecoming, tonight. Claremore will play our Highway 20 rivals, the Pryor Tigers. *J.V. games - 4 PM *Varsity girls - 6 PM *Varsity boys - 7:30 PM *Coronation - half-time of the boys' game Congratulations to our 2020 Homecoming Court! FRESHMAN - Abby Dake escorted by Gannon Sherl SOPHOMORES - Kylee Ohman escorted by Brendan McHugh JUNIORS - Lisa Cerednic escorted by Drake Roark and Ella Claborn escorted by Matthew Strickland SENIORS - Brooke Jones escorted Jacob Cowherd and Chloe Dennis escorted Jace Schaffitzel QUEEN - Hailey Grant KING - Charlie Murdock #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
CHS Basketball Homecoming tonight
Seniors may act like they're too cool to make giant compound sentences with appropriate conjunctions and punctuation, but they secretly enjoy it. Mrs. Jill Andrews' class broke into small groups and had a competition to see who could make the longest compound-complex sentence with correct punctuation, of course. First place was 22 clauses. Second place was 21 clauses. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Mrs. Jill Andrews' class broke into small groups and had a competition to see who could make the longest compound-complex sentence.
January is Board of Education Appreciation Month and we, at Claremore Public Schools, have the best board in the state! Take a moment and hear from our superintendent, Bryan Frazier, on what makes our board so special. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE https://youtu.be/uSPcbXXEqAw
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
I am so blessed to work with great students! And when I say great, I mean future leaders! These students started preparing for the All-State Choirs in May 2019. Their hard work paid off; now they are cemented as the best of the best in the state. Congratulations to all of the All-State Choir members from Claremore High School. IT'S A GREAT DAY TO BE A ZEBRA. - CHS Choir Director, Ruiel Doonkeen.
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Mrs. Williams is currently teaching her CHS Art I class the grid method for drawing in proportion. This method is a gentle push into helping beginner artists look at comparing measurements and identifying relationships between the different aspects/features of a subject. For example, one corner of the mouth may be slightly higher than the other; the shape of one nostril might be slightly more triangular than the other. "I have a great group of Art I kids; they are working hard to make their portraits as accurate as they can," Mrs. Williams told us. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Art 1 using the grid method
Spirit Dress for Basketball Homecoming - Show your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE (January 23rd - 28th) *Thursday 23rd - LET PRYOR KNOW THE ZEBS ARE TOO HOT TO HANDLE--Swinter Day - summer clothes - stay school appropriate. *Friday 24th - REP YOUR FAVORITE TEAM AND BALL UP ON THE TIGERS -- Jersey Day *Monday 27th - GET COZY TO SLEEP ON PRYOR--PJ Day *Tuesday 28th - It's HOMECOMING GAME DAY #BTP Better Than Pryor) -- Dress in Redneck Attire and #BEATPRYOR
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Basketball Homecoming  Spirit Week
CREATING A MOVEMENT presented by NextGen, a Claremore Collective crew. CHS students are welcome and will also get in with their student ID! Please join us on Monday, February 17th at 3 pm on the campus of Rogers State University for this great event! Reserve your free ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/creating-a-movement-tickets-89617822319?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR2maPFinOBv2TT-O42EYLItSL77cYDSsLq-i7jjqyZ32FfiPfXjxCYm2gU
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Creating a Movement presented by NextGen Claremore Collective
With the recent resignation of Claremore Public School board member, Brandon Wofford - Ward 5, the CPS Board of Education is now taking applications to fill the vacant seat. The Board of Education has sixty (60) days to fill this vacancy beginning January 1, 2020. All applicants must live within the boundaries of Ward 5 to be considered. You can find the school board map on the Claremore Public School website. If you are interested in speaking to or serving on the Claremore School Board, please contact Superintendent Bryan Frazier at bfrazier@claremore.k12.ok.us. The Board of Education will appoint the vacant seat on February 10, 2020. The deadline for consideration will be February 1, 2020.
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Be a school board meeting.
Congratulations to our Head Basketball Coach, Tommy Nolan, and wife, Maralyn, on the birth of their new baby girl. Welcome to our dazzle of little zebras Amelia Rae Nolan! She was born on January 16th, at 8:59 PM, weighing 7 lbs 1 oz. This school year, our staff added four future members of the CHS Class of 2037. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Welcome to our dazzle of little zebras Amelia Rae Nolan!
Claremore Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, January 20th, in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Schools will resume on Tuesday, January 21st. What is your favorite Martin Luther King, Jr. quote? #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Martin Luther King Day 2020 - NO SCHOOL
Six CHS band members performed in the All-State Band Concerts this weekend. Congratulations on receiving this honor. We are proud of all the sacrifices you have made to become some of the top musicians in your discipline. All-State Jazz Band (Dylan Ward and Hayden Rhoades) All-State Symphonic Band(Zach Hughes and Alyson Harvey) All-State Wind Ensemble (Faith Wallace and Sam Philpot) Thank you to the CBBA for all the photos. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
All State Band Concert
All State Band Concert
All State Band Concert
Spend some time over the long weekend, completing scholarship applications. Some of these local scholarship applications are online; others can be picked up outside the counseling office - Room 101. NEW SCHOLARSHIPS Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club https://www.cherokeephoenix.org/Article/Index/114005 Mary Klassen Memorial Scholarship - DEADLINE January 24, 2020 RCB Bank Scholarship - deadline is February 13, 2020. Bluejacket Memorial Scholarship - deadline February 13, 2020 Mary Klassen Memorial Scholarship - DEADLINE January 24, 2020 https://www.claremore.k12.ok.us/o/chs/page/scholarships--271
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
scholarships available
Students were tasked with creating an image made entirely from pieces of functions and equations that they would write themselves. Function types include polynomial, absolute value, radical, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, conic, etc. Working through this process helps students build functional fluency, as well as, familiarity with domain restrictions - both are integral for success in a calculus course. Students were required to meet certain criteria; many of them went above and beyond to create what they had envisioned. Some, using over 100 equations to produce their art." #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
almost 5 years ago, Claremore High School
Pre AP Calc Art
Pre AP Calc Art
Pre AP Calc Art
Pre AP Calc Art
We recently received our School Pride® check donation from TTCU Federal Credit Union for the second half of 2019. Thanks for showing your #CPSZEBRAPRID, swiping your debit card and giving back to Claremore Public Schools! Get yours today! #ttcuSchoolPride
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
TTCU School Pride donation
There's so much going on around CPS! Check out this edition of "Fridays With Frazier" to find out more about the #ZEBRABOND2019 progress at the Junior High! Just another reason we have #CPSZEBRAPRIDE! ://www.facebook.com/ClaremorePublicSchools/videos/2477054802550546/
almost 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Fridays With Frazier