Claremore FFA member Hailey Drake just returned home after a week-long trip to Denver, Colorado for the Hereford Junior Nationals. In addition to exhibiting heifers, she was selected to open the show by singing the National Anthem on Wednesday and Friday. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
FFA member attends Hereford Jr Nationals
2019 Softball Schedule. Opening festival August 9th. Opening season game August 19th.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore JUNIOR HIGH Softball Schedule
Claremore HIGH SCHOOL Softball Schedule
"Team building is all about relationships and relationships are all about patience." This quote embodied the recent experience at Oklahoma's Alumni Leadership Camp which focused around team building. This fast-paced, high energy camp drew more than 1,600 FFA members from over 300 Oklahoma FFA chapters seeking a week of motivation and learning. "The 2019 camp engaged FFA members in fun-filled, action-packed activities focused on personal, team, and service leadership," @Jesslyn Schrock, CHS Agriculture Ed Teacher & FFA Advisor who served as a sponsor during the 4-day camp. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
FFA Alumni Leadership Camp
FFA Alumni Leadership Water Olympics
Several Claremore Public School Teachers attended #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL at the Port of Catoosa's Career Highway event. Located at the head of navigation for the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System in Northeast Oklahoma, it is one of the largest, most inland river-ports in the United States. Whether it's agricultural commodities, building materials, petroleum products or machinery, it can be shipped in and out of the Tulsa Port of Catoosa daily using a combination of barge, rail and truck. Seventy companies are located within the 2,000-acre industrial park at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa. "The story of the Port of Catoosa and Former Governor Kerr is a large part of our area's history and it is not well known! The knowledge I gained today is important and needs to be taught! Manufacturing is a large part of our livelihood in the US and skilled laborers are in high demand to work in these jobs!" - Mary Kropp, Roosa Elementary Teacher "I attended a Career Highway event today at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa and found the Oklahoma Agriculture magazine front & center when I walked in! This inland port plays an integral part in the agriculture industry here Oklahoma. While there, we also got to tour TC Transcontinental Packaging company. I had no idea so much detail and legality went into the packaging process. Bone-In products require different packing than standard cuts. Re-heating of products, presentation of goods and environmental impact are also just a few factors that go into packaging meat products. We also discussed the extreme lack of manufacturing workforce in Oklahoma. Many of these companies have the capability to expand but labor is the number one limiting factor. Most employees in this manufacturing sector start at $18+/hour with benefits, yet they still have trouble finding qualified workers. By the way, I didn't see any employees with a cell phone out or earbuds in listening to music either. Show up on time, WORK HARD & pass a drug test!" - Matt Boyer, Agriculture Education Teacher / FFA Advisor There are several ways to pursue post-secondary education: college, military, career-tech, and apprenticeships. Because only 38% of all Oklahoma graduating seniors will earn a Bachelor's Degree, it's essential to consider the "other" options that will provide a necessary skill, not leave you with any debt, and will allow you to make good money and have a good life. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Career Highway
CHS StuCo officers attend OASC Basic Leadership Camp this summer. The delegates spend 10-12 hours daily learning and practicing leadership skills in student council groups. These groups simulate the work of delegates’ local councils or groups, where advisors and council members work closely together to achieve goals. Major skill development sessions included: 1. Group Processes - large and small 2. Communications 3. Project Planning 4. Problem Solving 5. Leadership Styles 6. Interpersonal Relations 7. Team Building 8. Self Esteem 9. Goal Setting 10. Fund Raising/School Activities #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
CHS StuCo attend OASC Basic
The Claremore Industrial and Economic Development Authority (CIEDA) hosted 20 teachers from across Rogers County for its inaugural teacher experience. The goal of Encounter is to provide a foundation for educators to use in motivating students to develop and maintain career pathways, as well as provide relevance and rigor to STEM education, training, and workforce development. This event provides Rogers County educators an opportunity to experience hands-on industry facility tours, and interact with the leaders that are the dreamers, makers, and doers producing innovative products within global manufacturing. The goal of Encounter is to provide curriculum enhancements for use in developing and supporting training and career pathways. This is also a prime opportunity to link your ICAP plans with local companies. A special thank you to our participating manufacturing partners and schools. Reading Truck Group, MST Manufacturing, Baker Hughes, a GE company, @AXH, Pelco Structural (Taken from the CIEDA Facebook page) "I attended a fascinating one-day event today - Encounter: Dreamers, Makers and Doers. What these companies extend to our community and specifically to our graduates is invaluable; jobs that offer lifelong careers with sustainable wages. Companies you would be proud to work for!! Thank you @CIEDA for this event which was encouraging and eye-opening, the delicious lunch, and the Visa gift card." - Cass Huddleston, CHS Business Education Teacher There are several ways to pursue post-secondary education: college, military, career-tech, and apprenticeships. Because only 38% of all Oklahoma graduating seniors will earn a Bachelor's Degree, it's essential to consider the "other" options that will provide a necessary skill, not leave you with any college debt, and will allow you to make good money and have a good life. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
"Game on peeps! I toured Northeast Tech and I LOVED it!" - Marilyn Lewis stated after spending a couple of days earlier this summer at Northeast Tech's TECHsperience. She has always been a supporter of career tech, but this experience has strengthened her resolve to encourage students to consider this option in high school or after graduation. She attended the Visual Communications, Diesel Mechanics, Culinary Arts, Auto Parts, and the Electricity program where she gained exposure to the new ways her Algebra content directly relates to the workforce. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #StaffSummerSchool
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Lewis Cooking
Lewis NTC
Lewis NTC Electricity
Lewis NTC Auto Parts
CPS TSA is bringing home the TWO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES in the Chapter Team Event. Both the @Claremore High School and the @Will Rogers Jr High teams placed 1st in this event. Congrats to CHS: Blake,Tate, Eva, Molly, Katy, Grace, and Jamil. WRJH: Cameron, Ethan, Adele, Kennedy, Alex, and Adam. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
National TSA Chapter Team Championship
WRJH TSA Winners
CHS TSA National Winners
Claremore High School is fortunate to have been awarded the Oklahoma GEAR UP grant to help our students learn about, enroll in, and be successful in college. We believe is important for students to take part in college bridge/orientation programs as they prepare to start college. The process of starting college and a lack of information about the campus and its resources can be huge stumbling blocks to students. These programs help to tear down as many walls as possible for the entering college freshmen and help them make a successful start. The GEAR UP Grant will reimburse the cost of college orientation/bridge programs for students who graduate from Claremore High School and attend any Oklahoma college or university. To find out more information and to register go to their website Registration is open until Sept. 1, 2019.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
GEAR UP College Bridge Program
CPS Academic Calendar - Updated 6.25.19 #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
2019-20 CPS Academic Calendar
“Band is not proud because it performs well; it performs well because it is proud.” -George Parks This year the award-winning CHS Zebra Band drumline will perform with more #CPSZEBRAPRIDE, on their brand new top of the line Yamaha instruments. CPS purchased 4 marching bass drums, 3 marching snares, 2 marching tenors, with cases and stadium hardware. Also, they replaced 4 sousaphone cases. The current equipment was approximately 12 years old.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
CHS Band New Equipment
Rose is representing Claremore FFA, as a delegation of Oklahoma FFA members are heading to Washington DC for the week-long Washington Leadership Conference. She will meet FFA members from across the US while completing service learning projects, gaining leadership skills, and touring the sites of our nation's capital. Congratulations & have fun; it's truly an experience you'll never forget. Show the nation your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Rose FFA Washington Leadership
Claremore High School's Jayen Losh, selected as a @TheGatesScholar. Enrolling at OU, Jaylen will pursue an undergraduate degree in physics with the ultimate goal of earning his doctoral degree to become a research physicist. #CHSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Gates Scholar
@Vona Cardwell, our District Teacher of the Year needs your help showing your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE. She needs pictures and/or video clips of both past and present Claremore teachers, principals, administrators, faculty, and staff members doing anything education related. This request includes teaching, being engaged in political endeavors, participating in community events, interviews, news articles, etc. They can be old, new, happy, sad, funny, insightful, get the idea). AND SHE NEEDS THEM ASAP! Please send to Please put in the subject bar “iMatter.”
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Teacher of the Year Vona Cardwell