Claremore Class of 2020 News can be found here:
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Class of 2020 News
Professional teachers are made in the preparation; in the day in and day out of their discipline. They are made as they execute their training in the trenches and on the grand stage. They are made in the quite (okay, it's never really quiet) and in the noisy hallways and classrooms of their schools. They are made in the heart of a person - a person that chooses excellence, chooses compassion, chooses to invest in others, chooses to love. Claremore Public Schools is overflowing with #CPSZEBRAPRIDE for the professional teacher Mrs. Michelle Rahn is.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
State finalist Teacher of the Year - Michelle Rahn
State finalist Teacher of the Year - Michelle Rahn
State finalist Teacher of the Year - Michelle Rahn
State finalist Teacher of the Year - Michelle Rahn and Superintendent Frazier
SENIOR PARENTS it's hard to believe we are already planning for the end of the year. The last time the Class of 2020 will be all together as a group. To help keep everyone informed the GRAD BASH committee invites you to like the After Graduation Party Facebook page. Committee Chair - Heather Zickefoose
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
The Zebras easily handled the Edison Eagles 18-1 in a district game yesterday. Lady Zebra Softball fans… Sponsor Appreciation Night will be held tomorrow, September 19, 2019, before the Bishop Kelley game at 4:45. We would like to recognize our sponsors for their contribution and support. As you know, their contributions have allowed us to continue offering an exceptional experience for our student-athletes and coaches. If your work schedule allows, please join us early to recognize these folks and to show appreciation. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore Softball vs Edison
Claremore Softball vs Edison
Claremore Softball vs Edison
Tomorrow the State Department of Education will announce the Oklahoma Teacher of the Year. Claremore's, Michelle Rahn, is one of those top 12 finalists. We are proud to have her represent our school system. Her enthusiasm, pursuit of excellence, and desire to inspire this generation of critical thinkers defines #CPSZEBRAPRIDE! ​
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
OK State Teacher of the Year to be announced Tuesday, Sept. 17th
Today is the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America. We pay tribute to those Americans whose lives were lost. We not only remember them and give them honor but realize that America itself was changed forever on this tragic day. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, Bryan Frazier
Claremore Public School Remembrance Ceremony
We are loving our new app! Stay updated with access to real-time sports scores, the daily cafeteria menu, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications. You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store. Download for Android: Download for iPhone: #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, Bryan Frazier
Claremore Launches New APP
ZEBRAS win their season opener against Bartlesville 40-28! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Be the one!
Final score
Red Army
Learn by seeing, doing, and experiencing history in our nation's capital. Attend our informational meeting this Thursday and learn more about our Washington, DC 2020 study abroad trip. Contact: Mr. Drew Cummings, CHS History Teacher at #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Study Abroad Washington DC
We know we live in the Information Age and CPS wants to make sure you stay connected with what is happening at our schools. There are so many accomplishments, innovative ideas, outstanding teachers, and progress happening that we want to celebrate it with you. Here is how you can get connected, stay connected, and be a part of connecting others. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Connect with CPS
Help share our story.
TUTORING STARTS THIS WEEK Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. CHS provides a 40-minute class period everyday students can attend any class in which they might need additional instruction, remediation, or acceleration in their classes. In addition, CHS offers FREE TUTORING for all students in the areas of Math and English. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
We’re thrilled to announce Claremore Public Schools, new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: or iPhone: #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, Bryan Frazier
CPS launches new APP
Claremore’s, Austin Day, performed with the All State Choir at the OSSBA conference last week where Mr. Bryan Frazier, CPS Superintendent, and Mr. Patrick Gotcher, CPS Board President were in attendance. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
All State Choir sings at OSSBA
After a late start, the Collinsville Hog Show kicked off the weekend. Sammi Jo and Rose did an excellent job driving their hogs and were rewarded for it. Rose was 3rd in her class with a young Duroc gilt. Sammi was Reserve Champion Hereford and was 4th in class with her Spot gilt. Congratulations ladies. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #ClaremoreFFA
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Sammi Jo
The Zebras traveled to midtown Tulsa to run-rule the Bishop Kelley Comets in 5 innings 11-0. Next up...the Tulsa Hale Rangers at their place this coming Tuesday, September 3rd. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Lady Zebra Softball
ZTV is BACK!!!! Check out their first broadcast of the year. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
ZTV is Back!
GATES SCHOLARSHIP NOW TAKING REFERRALS Do you know one or more top student leaders who will be graduating from high school in 2020 who are: ● From at least one of the following four minority communities: African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian & Pacific Islander American, and/or Hispanic American ● Pell-eligible ● A US citizen, national, or permanent resident ● Maintaining a minimum cumulative weighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent) Refer them by filling out the information requested on this page, and we will send them an invitation to apply for The Gates Scholarship! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
It’s a great day to be a Lady Zebra! Congratulations to the team on their first tournament win. CHS varsity volleyball team won the Holland Hall Invitational Tournament yesterday. Maddie Hardage made the all-tournament team. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
CHS varsity volleyball team won the Holland Hall Invitational Tournament.
CPS Parent Portal is one way we keep you informed about your students' academics and attendance. Letters with your activation codes were sent home with your student last week. However, if you encounter any issues or did not receive the form, please contact #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Parent Portal
Any student that drives a motorized vehicle must have a parking permit hanging from their rearview mirror. If you do not have one, please check with the front office. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Parking Permits