Just a reminder that FALL BREAK is Thursday, October 17th through Monday, October 21st. We will see you back in our classrooms refreshed and ready for the 2nd quarter on Tuesday the 22nd.

Claremore High School Cross Country leading the pack at Walnut Park! Check out those Zebras run: https://youtu.be/SSlNwk2tjaM #CPSZEBRAPRIDE

Congratulations CHS Zebra Volleyball! Regional Champions and STATE BOUND! Great job Ladies. Bring home the GOLD! Next weeks tournament is at Catoosa plan to go and support the Zebras! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE

Claremore Lady Zebras Volleyball beat Tulsa Memorial and Duncan tonight to achieve a 3-peat Regional Championship. They will be advancing to the State Tournament! Details TBA.

Freshman stay after school today for FUZE CoCoa & Cram session to prepare for block finals.

Claremore Parents,
If you have not yet accessed your Parent Portal for this year, please email me at: lkibbe@claremore.k12.ok.us
I will be glad to send you your login information.
As in the past it is possible to see all of your children in one portal. If you are not able to see all of them on one login, then please email me along with all your children’s names and the school site’s that they attend.
If you are currently able to login then disregard this notice.
If I can be of further assistance please let me know.
It truly is a Great Day to be a ZEBRA!
Ladena Kibbe
District Registrar

Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising will be here on Mon. Oct. 14th during encore (202). If you are interested in a degree in Product Development, Fashion Design, Digital Cinema, Beauty Marketing, Merchandising and several other degrees please plan to attend.

Claremore 61-6 over Will Rogers tonight!

Claremore Public Schools wishes happy 90th birthday to the ultimate ZEBRA... Mr. Frank Robson.

Seventeen CHS choral students selected for the NCDA All-District Choir.
Read about it here ://www.apptegy.net/s/news-cps-claremoreok/articles/seventeen-chs-choral-students-selected-for-the-northeastern-choral-directors-association-all-district-choir

FILL THE FOOD PANTRY - “Recent research shows that many children who do not have enough to eat wind up with diminished capacity to understand and learn. Children don’t have to be starving for this to happen. Even mild undernutrition. ” Carl Sagan
The food pantry at CHS is getting critically low and we want to fill it before the holidays.
This is a competition between 3rd hour classes. The winning 3rd hour class will get a pizza party during their 3rd hour on October 16th! Please bring them to your 3rd hour by Monday - October 14th.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa

CHS FUZE Mentors invited the freshman class to throwback to junior high at the the skating rink! Sometimes it's good to just de-stress and have some fun as you learn to navigate the new world of high school.
There next event will be a study session "CoCo & Cram" on Monday from 4-6p in the library to prepare for BLOCK FINALS.
All Freshman are encouraged to attend.

Zebras United Against Cancer raises money for Claremore Public Schools staff & students battling cancer. Shirts now on sale.

Claremore Zebra Senior, Quinton Skinner, commits to play at Kansas University.

TONIGHT: Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm. $5.00 General Admission for Adults & Students. Free for Children 6 & under, Senior Citizens & School Employees including their immediate family when presenting your school employee ID.
Bake sale items will be for sale before & after the concert.

Tuesday night is Gear Up FAFSA Night at CHS. We will have a specialist available on-site to help you complete your FAFSA. Bring your 2019 tax information so you will be prepared to complete the process.
The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. All secondary institutions require this form to receive federal &/or school-based financial assistance (fee waivers, scholarships, etc.).

Claremore Youth Wrestling sign-up starts tomorrow, October 7 and runs through November 21, during practices! Practice will be on Mon., Tues., and Thurs. at 6 PM in the CHS Gym.
If you would like any youth wrestling apparel, including a Claremore singlet, please use the following link: https://claremoreyouthwrestling.itemorder.com/
These order MUST be in no later than October 7!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Coach Weber at zweber@claremore.k12.ok.us or request to join the Claremore Youth Wrestling Facebook page.

Come out Saturday night to the CHS Athletics Hall of Fame Dinner to honor the 2019 Inductees.
1988 Girls Tennis: Suzanne Williams, Natasha Bartels, Brandi Swan, Julie Young, Courtney Streeter, and Wendy Hazle
Larry Ballard
Nathan Binam
Frank Mobra
Bryce G. Vann

Hailey Charles crowned CHS Homecoming Queen by King Dylan Kedzior tonight.

Tonight make plans to come to the game early and get dinner! CHS tennis team will be selling pulled pork sandwich meals inside the entry gate.