what makes a counselor


Headshot of counselor

Shauntel Highley

I want to make a positive impact in the community and help shape the lives of the next generation. As a WRJH counselor, I believe I have that ability.

I graduated from PSU with my BSED in English. I have been in education since 1998. This is my first year as a school counselor, and I am attending graduate school at MACU for school counseling. Previously, I have taught in Missouri, Kansas, and mainly in Oklahoma. My husband, Jeff, is a firefighter in Vinita, Oklahoma. We have one daughter, Dacee, who is attending LPN school this year to bridge to become an RN. Our family enjoys spending time together, reading, watching movies and tv shows, gardening, and spending time outdoors. 

headshot of counselor

Tracy McCamish

I graduated from Northeastern State University, and East Central University.    I began my career as a teacher in 1996.  I taught for three years while pursuing my degree in counseling.  I started counseling in 1999 for Claremont Elementary.  I chose WRJH because I enjoy working with students, helping them grow socially and academically.    



Bonnie Wiley

My dedicated purpose is to provide human service, connection, support, advocacy and encouragement to the children and families served by the school, as well as the school's teachers and administrators. I connect students and families to many local and state resources that can offer help and hope for the family. I create evidence-based approaches for dealing with wide ranges of situations and concerns in the school and homes. Helping students build positive paths and clear goals to focus on success in the classroom.



Scott Mattison

A behavioral coach works with clients to help them improve their lives with a focus on behavior and habit change. I truly enjoy getting to work with the kids at the junior high and being able to provide extra support whenever they need it.

I have been working at Grand Mental Health for one year, and this is my first year as the WRJH Behavioral Health Coach. In my free time I enjoy playing golf and spending time with my family.



Hailee Calico

A behavioral coach works with clients to help them & focus on behavior . I truly enjoy getting to work with the kids at the junior high and being able to provide extra support whenever they need it.

I have been working at Grand Mental Health for 6 months , and this is my first year as the WRJH Behavioral Health Coach. In my free time I enjoy shopping and spending time with my family.



Dr. Bethany Doerksen (Dr. DK)

If you visit my office, you'll see the quote, "we can't control the winds, but we can adjust our sails," decorating my wall. It's a great reminder that the only things we actually have control over in life are our own thoughts, words, and actions. There will always be some things we can control and some things we cannot. Staying focused on what we can control will help relieve stress and anxiety before it gets too overwhelming. I have been working with the amazing staff and students at Roosa Elementary and Will Rogers Junior High School since 2017. Now that I've been here a few years, I love that I've gotten to see my students grow and develop. I hold a doctorate from OSU in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in School Psychology.



Oklahoma Gear Up

Oklahoma GEAR UP, a federally funded program administered by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, partners with 10 school districts and five regional colleges throughout the state to prepare nearly 12,000 middle and high school students for college success.

Our school district’s partnership with GEAR UP is creating and sustaining a college-going culture in our community, ensuring a brighter future for your students. GEAR UP is improving awareness of college opportunities by teaching students and their families what steps they need to apply to college, pay for college and succeed in college.

electives description

7th and 8th grade electives only

Starting 2024-25 school year, we will have DRAMA class for 7th and 8th graders!

drama class

PE-In physical education we prioritize moving our bodies every day and improving our overall health through working out/activities/games/ etc. We will move through different sports, usually changing units every 2-3 weeks. When the weather is nice we go outside as much as possible. A typical week involves running/ working out on Mon/Wed, and games/units on Tues/Thurs. We try to do "Fun Fridays" every week. Also addressed throughout the year is our health component where we talk about our physical, mental, and social well-being.

Music Appreciation-A class to teach the history of music and elements of music using notes, music examples, videos, documentaries, and many other resources.

Computers-An introductory computer science course that empowers students to engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication and problem solving, with some typing lessons mixed in.

Tech Ed (STEM-Do you like working with teams, problem solving, and creating things? If so, come explore the principles of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math). We will work in teams to learn about aerospace, rocketry, bridge building, circuitry, computer coding, 3-D design, and much more! REQUIREMENTS: Must pass safety test, accept the protection plan for the school laptop and charger, and pay a $20 supply fee.

Art 1-Students learn to understand and apply the Elements of Art, Principles of Design, and Art History, as well as discuss and demonstrate the expressive properties of artworks. They will learn and apply technical skills effectively to create original artworks that express a variety of ideas, apply the art-making process to solve problems, and generate design solutions utilizing a variety of media. Students will analyze original artworks and produce and develop a portfolio. There is a $35 art fee each semester for art kits and supplies used throughout the year. At the end of the year students will participate in an Art Exhibition, Art Contest and Auction.

Beginner Band-Band is a great way to learn to play an instrument! We start at the very beginning with how to read notes and keep rhythm, so anyone is welcome to join! Students in beginning band get to play in multiple concerts and showcase their skills for their families and the community. We use a rent-to-own instrument program through Saied Music. There is a monthly fee for the student’s chosen instrument, and Saied Music works well with families on the monthly payments.

Vocal Music-A class to create an organized group of singers, learn voice control, use good rehearsal techniques, put on performances, and learn to read music.


Tech Ed Program- The Technology Engineering program at Will Rogers Junior High is designed to develop higher-order thinking skills. The curriculum is formulated from the processes of solving problems and creating solutions. Program content is drawn from all aspects of technology and is presented to extend student understanding of the development, impact, and potential of technology and careers in technology. They will have the opportunity to learn, design, and build some of the following: 2D graphics, a CO2 powered dragster, ping pong ball launcher, coding, and Rube Goldberg project. They will use Inventor 3D, Corel 2D, vinyl printer and CO2 laser.

VEX Robotics-The VEX Competitive Robotics program at Will Rogers Junior High is designed to provide active learning situations that help develop higher-order thinking skills through the VEX Robotics contest. Students will research the current year’s game and game solutions. Then they will design, build, and program robots that will compete in the current year’s game. They will also document each day’s activity and design decisions in an engineering notebook. Once they have finished they will test their robot and repeat. This is a process as students try to build the best robot not just in class but in the world. Students must apply to be in Robotics.

JROTC-Our NJROTC is an introductory course in citizenship, the elements of leadership and the value of scholarship in attaining life goals.  Students will study Naval ships, mission and organization of the Navy, navigation, seamanship, oceanography and health education.  Cadets will also have the opportunity to participate on Academic Air Rifle, Armed and Unarmed Drill, Athletic, Cyber Patriot, Drone, Drill Rifle Exhibition, and Sea Perch Robotics.  All cadets earn volunteer community service.  NJROTC is a fully funded program, there is no cost to students.

Agriculture-8th only- The Agri-Science course is designed to give students an introduction into the world of agriculture. Students will be educated on many varieties of agriculture and how it plays an important part in everyone's life.  Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand and apply basic knowledge, and concepts of Animal Science, Horticulture, Ag Power & Technology, Public Speaking, and Leadership. It will also enable students to have the opportunity to compete in activities through Future Farmers of America. 

Office Aides(8th only)-Students must apply for the position of office aide. If selected, students will assist the office staff by making copies, making deliveries to classrooms and greeting guests who come to the office amongst other duties

Drama-The course begins with an exploration of improvisational techniques, where students will learn to think on their feet, trust their instincts, and unleash their imagination through a series of fun and engaging improv games and exercises. Through improv, students will develop essential skills such as spontaneity, active listening, teamwork, and creative problem-solving. As the year progresses, students will transition into the rehearsal and performance phase of the course. Working in small groups, they will delve into the rehearsal process, applying their newfound improvisational skills to scripted material. Through intensive rehearsals, students will learn the importance of character analysis, blocking, timing, and stage presence as they prepare for two exciting play performances (one in the fall and one in the spring).