My name is Kyla Burke. I am married to David Burke who works for Roosa Elementary! We have three beautiful girls.
This is my second year of school nursing.
I started as an LPN 7 years ago and since then obtained my RN as well as a bachelor’s in Nursing. Prior to this job, I worked in an urgent care setting, the hospital during covid peak, and home health!
I can't wait to meet your kids!
You may reach me at kyla.burke@claremore.k12.ok.us
Medications at School
If a student needs any type of medication at school, even over the counter medications, a parent or guardian must bring them into the office. A student cannot deliver medications themselves. A student is not permitted to keep medications with them or in their backpacks; this includes inhalers and cough drops. There is a medication administration form in the office to be filled out and completed by the parent or guardian in the event that any medication is to be given at school. All medications must be in the original packaging. If the medication is a prescription, the student's name must be on the prescription with the appropriate dose and expiration date.