🍽 CPS Virtual/Quarantined Meal Program
Virtual Meals will be provided for five (5) days a week (excluding Federal Holidays). Pick up schedule has changed to Mondays only, each week. To manage product quality we ask you to register to receive those meals. Register here for virtual meals.
Temporarily Quarantined - If you are quarantined unexpectedly after the order deadline, please contact the Child Nutrition office at 918.923.4243 or email jragland@claremore.k12.ok.us to make arrangements for meals. We will make sure to accommodate these situations.
🗹 ORDER DEADLINE: Wednesday 🗹 PICK UP LOCATION: up all meals at the Enrollment Center (101 W. 11th Street) 🗹 P/U TIME: 10:30 AM and 12:30 PM
REMINDER - these meals are available to ALL children 18 years of age and younger in our community.
Please complete the My School App myschoolapps.com to help the school save money on testing, college applications, technology, etc. Last year the results of this form saved the school over $300K in technology fees which we were able to put back into our school sites, curriculum, and programs for all students. This is COMPLETELY CONFIDENTIAL.
Child Nutrition Department Contact: jragland@claremore.k12.ok.us or 918-923-4243