At Claremore Public Schools, we strive to create a work atmosphere for our teachers and staff that is collaborative, supportive, and stimulating. A productive learning environment for students depends on the ability of our teachers to share ideas and best practices with other educators and to have access to the most up-to-date training in the field of education. By recruiting the very best education professionals, we can be sure of the continued success of our students.
While your kids won't be in our classrooms on September 30, all of our teachers and staff will be participating in professional development workshops presented by Solution Tree. This PLC training is made possible through the GEAR UP Grant and District PD.

Share your #CPSZEBRAPRIDE with @Matt Whatley for his recent accomplishments! Today the Texas Rangers announced him as the Defensive Player of the Year for the entire organization.
Once a Zebra - Always a Zebra

Claremore High School has announced their Students of the Month for September. These students, selected by their teachers, represent our school motto of "Excellence for All, Excellence from All."
9th: Rylee Yewell and Scout Cutsinger
10th: Caroline Crum and Blake Bacon
11th: Erin Kuykendall and Tyler Douthitt
12th: Jayla Hurt and Jace Hightower
Our Corporate Partner, AXH, hosts a luncheon for these students at Main Street Tavern each month. AXH understands the importance of celebrating, rewarding, and creating opportunities to mentor these young people. Students get to interact with several professional representatives from AXH and discuss their classes, goals, and potential career choices. The student could be selected for their outstanding academics, excellent teamwork, most improved, or for demonstrating positive character. Students are nominated and voted on by the entire faculty. Here's a little about each recipient:

For any prospective wrestlers who have not registered, you can sign up at any practice beginning October 7 through November 21! Practices will be on Mon., Tues., and Thurs. at 6 PM in the CHS Gym.
If you would like any youth wrestling apparel, including a Claremore singlet, please use the following link: https://claremoreyouthwrestling.itemorder.com/
These order MUST be in no later than October 7!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Coach Weber at zweber@claremore.k12.ok.us or request to join the Claremore Youth Wrestling Facebook page.
I am looking forward to another successful season!
Coach Weber

Just a reminder to complete your 2019-20 Free and Reduced Application by Monday, September 30 to continue receiving meal benefits AND potentially qualify for College Admission Fee waivers, additional 2 Free ACT testing opportunities and more.
Apply online at www.myschoolapps.com

Join in the fun for NATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL DAY with our WEDNESDAY WALKING PALS! October 2nd you can walk to school with a local celebrity! So parents plan on bringing your kids out on October 2nd.
7:00 AM meet at the designated location
7:10 AM start walking
7:25 AM arrive at school
Claremont meets at First Baptist Church
Roosa meets at St Cecilia's Catholic Church
Westside meets at Westwood Church
Remember when your grandparents had to walk to school, uphill, in a blizzard, both ways? The National Center for Safe Routes to School has been working for more than two decades to bring that time back — but not so school children can have stories to pass on to their future grandkids. Walk to School Day is about getting up and moving. The program is made possible through our local Volunteers for Youth.

National Honor Society is hosting their 5th COLLEGE CONNECTION on TONIGHT and it's open to ALL CHS Juniors & Seniors.
COLLEGE CONNECTION workshops that will be lead by college representative from OU, OSU, TU & RSU and other specialists that will help you navigate your future plans. These presentations & workshops will be interactive including the application process & how to stand out, maximizing scholarship opportunities, college enrichment programs such as President's Leadership Council and Honors Programs.
The panel begins at 6pm in the CHS library and will have breakout sessions following. This event is open to all current 11th - 12th graders at CHS.
This will also prepare all seniors for the COLLEGE APPLICATION process they will be completing Tues, Thurs & Friday this week.

Homecoming is only 11 days away and "There's A New King of the Jungle!" Below you will find ALL THINGS HOMECOMING including the parade entry form.

Claremore High School Cheerleading is bringing home an OSSAA 5A REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Here is a clip of their routine performed at the CHS pep assembly last week!
Congratulations on all your hard work, ladies!

Each year on the fourth Tuesday of September, National Voter Registration Day (September 24th) celebrates our democracy in the United States. Parents and students now is the time to register to vote so that you can take part in the upcoming primary and general elections in November.
Younger students can participate, too! Students who are not yet 18 years of age can celebrate National Voter Registration Day by educating themselves and their peers about the current political climate, candidates in their districts, and issues that directly affect their lives.
Learn more about registering to vote and who is on your ballot!

Tradition never graduates! Today is game day and CHS football players asked some of their teachers to support them by wearing their jerseys. Teachers pour into the lives of these student-athletes, and it's an honor to have a player ask you to wear their jersey. Today they acknowledged the heart, the spirit, and the dedication they share whether on a field or in a classroom.
If you can't be in the stands, you can watch the game on

Friday Night Football is a family friendly community event. CHS Art Club is helping our fans show their #CPSZEBRAPRIDE at each home game. We hope to see you in the stands in your #ZEBRARED cheering on our team!

WRJH / CHS @ 2:30 PM
Elementary @ 2:00 PM

ACT Registration Deadline is Friday 9.20.19 to avoid late fees for the October test date. For more info on the ACT test dates and to register click the link below.
If you are a JUNIOR OR SENIOR and qualify for Free or Reduced lunches, you can receive a fee waiver for the ACT! If you have a waiver, register online and put the number in the top right-hand corner of the waiver in when prompted for payment.
**If you call ACT to register using the fee waiver you will also get access to FREE ACT Online Prep, ACT Academy Test Prep, apply for college for FREE and much, much more!
For fee waivers or to know whether you qualify, swing by the counseling office--Room 101!

Professional teachers are made in the preparation; in the day in and day out of their discipline. They are made as they execute their training in the trenches and on the grand stage. They are made in the quite (okay, it's never really quiet) and in the noisy hallways and classrooms of their schools. They are made in the heart of a person - a person that chooses excellence, chooses compassion, chooses to invest in others, chooses to love.
Claremore Public Schools is overflowing with #CPSZEBRAPRIDE for the professional teacher Mrs. Michelle Rahn is.

Tomorrow the State Department of Education will announce the Oklahoma Teacher of the Year. Claremore's, Michelle Rahn, is one of those top 12 finalists. We are proud to have her represent our school system. Her enthusiasm, pursuit of excellence, and desire to inspire this generation of critical thinkers defines #CPSZEBRAPRIDE!

Today is the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on America. We pay tribute to those Americans whose lives were lost. We not only remember them and give them honor but realize that America itself was changed forever on this tragic day.

We are loving our new app! Stay updated with access to real-time sports scores, the daily cafeteria menu, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications.
You can download the app for free on both Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Download for Android: http://bit.ly/2OE8G1C
Download for iPhone: https://apple.co/2MDu6cz

ZEBRAS win their season opener against Bartlesville 40-28!

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning.
CHS provides a 40-minute class period everyday students can attend any class in which they might need additional instruction, remediation, or acceleration in their classes. In addition, CHS offers FREE TUTORING for all students in the areas of Math and English.