Claremore Public Schools wishes happy 90th birthday to the ultimate ZEBRA... Mr. Frank Robson.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Happy Birthday to Mr. Frank Robson
Catalayah students love reading with their book buddies! What's your favorite children's book? #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Catalayah book buddies!
Catalayah book buddies!
Catalayah book buddies!
Catalayah book buddies!
Seventeen CHS choral students selected for the NCDA All-District Choir. Read about it here :// #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Seventeen CHS choral students selected for the Northeastern Choral Directors Association All-District Choir
Come out tonight to celebrate our 9 senior volleyball players. 4PM - 9th, 5PM - JV, 6:30PM - Varsity against the Sapulpa Chieftains! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
CHS Senior Night for Volleyball
CHS FUZE Mentors invited the freshman class to throwback to junior high at the the skating rink! Sometimes it's good to just de-stress and have some fun as you learn to navigate the new world of high school. There next event will be a study session "CoCo & Cram" on Monday from 4-6p in the library to prepare for BLOCK FINALS. All Freshman are encouraged to attend. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
FUZE goes roller skating.
Zebras United Against Cancer raises money for Claremore Public Schools staff & students battling cancer. Shirts now on sale. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Zebras United Against Cancer Raises Money for Staff & Students battling cancer.  Shirts now on sale.
Zebras United Against Cancer Raises Money for Staff & Students battling cancer.  Shirts now on sale.
A taste of youthful leadership is what Miss Reece Castle provided Claremont Elementary in her reign as the principal for the day. Mrs. Fay eagerly stepped aside and let her take the lead. It was a fabulous day! The staff appreciated the sweet treat delivery. Mrs. Fay said she is sure this standard will become a more common expectation! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Principal of the Day - Claremont Elementary
Principal of the Day - Claremont Elementary
Claremore Zebra Senior, Quinton Skinner, commits to play at Kansas University. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore's Quinton Skinner commits to KU
Claremore's Quinton Skinner commits to KU
TONIGHT: Tuesday, October 9th at 7:00 pm. $5.00 General Admission for Adults & Students. Free for Children 6 & under, Senior Citizens & School Employees including their immediate family when presenting your school employee ID. Bake sale items will be for sale before & after the concert.
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Fall Choir Concert
Claremont Elementary brought, Judge Kassie McCoy, to talk to their students about the importance of rights and rules on Constitution Day. Constitution Day honors the creation and adoption of the United States Constitution.​#CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Constitution Day Claremont Elementary
Parents are vital partners in the education of their children; the most effective link between home and school that helps children thrive in their educational career. We can't wait to sit down with you and discuss your child's progress this Thursday evening. Please contact your child's teachers to set up an appointment. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday 4PM - 7:30PM
Tuesday night is Gear Up FAFSA Night at CHS. We will have a specialist available on-site to help you complete your FAFSA. Bring your 2019 tax information so you will be prepared to complete the process. The FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. All secondary institutions require this form to receive federal &/or school-based financial assistance (fee waivers, scholarships, etc.). #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Tuesday is FAFSA Night
Claremore Youth Wrestling sign-up starts tomorrow, October 7 and runs through November 21, during practices! Practice will be on Mon., Tues., and Thurs. at 6 PM in the CHS Gym. If you would like any youth wrestling apparel, including a Claremore singlet, please use the following link: These order MUST be in no later than October 7! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Coach Weber at or request to join the Claremore Youth Wrestling Facebook page. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore Youth Wrestling sign up tomorrow October 7
Come out Saturday night to the CHS Athletics Hall of Fame Dinner to honor the 2019 Inductees. 1988 Girls Tennis: Suzanne Williams, Natasha Bartels, Brandi Swan, Julie Young, Courtney Streeter, and Wendy Hazle Larry Ballard Nathan Binam Frank Mobra Bryce G. Vann #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
2019 Hall of Fame Inductees
Hailey Charles crowned CHS Homecoming Queen by King Dylan Kedzior tonight. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
CHS homecoming court 2019
And the winners are... 4th - Sophomores Class of 2022 3rd - Freshman Class of 2023 2nd - Seniors Class of 2020 1st - Juniors Class of 2021 Come out today at 3:15 PM to see what makes our hometown homecoming special... our community! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE #STRONGSCHOOLSTRONGCOMMUNITYZEBRASTRONG
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Freshman Float
Sophomore Float
Junior Float
Senior Float
Welcome back to the place that built you! The class of 2009 celebrating their 10 year reunion. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Welcome back to the place that built you! The class of 2009 celebrating their 10 year reunion
Welcome back to the place that built you! The class of 2009 celebrating their 10 year reunion
Welcome back to the place that built you! The class of 2009 celebrating their 10 year reunion.
Welcome back to the place that built you! The class of 2009 celebrating their 10 year reunion
Welcome home to the Claremore Class of 1999 for your 20 year reunion! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore Class of 1999
Claremore Class of 1999
Claremore Class of 1999
Claremore Class of 1999
Welcome back Claremore Class of 1994 for your 25th Class Reunion! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
over 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Claremore Class of 1994
Claremore Class of 1994
Claremore Class of 1994
Claremore Class of 1994
Welcome back Claremore High School Alumni! Claremore has the greatest homecoming of any High School in Oklahoma and one of the reasons is YOU the Alumni. Thank you for being apart of this very special event. #CPSZebraPride
over 5 years ago, Bryan Frazier