Twas the Night Before Christmas For Teachers - By Joyce Luke 'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the school Not a pupil was silent, no matter what rule. The children were busy with paper and paste; The mess that they made with it couldn't be faced. The teacher half frantic and almost in tears, Had just settled down to work with her dears, When out in the hall there arose such a clatter up sprang the kids to see what was the matter! Away to the door they all flew like a flash; The one who was leading went down with a crash. Then what to their wondering eyes did appear But a green Christmas tree! (To decorate I fear!) When the teacher saw this, she almost grew sick. She knew in a moment it must be Old Nick! She ran to the door (all her efforts were vain) But she shouted, and stamped, and she called them by name; "Now Tommy! Now Sandy, Now Judy and Harry! Stop Billy! Stop Robert! Stop Donny and Sherry! Now get to your places get away from the hall Now get away! Get away! Get away all! As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly The pupils, pell mell, started scurrying by. They ran to the blackboard and skipped down the aisle; Their faces were shining and each had a smile. First came a basket of popcorn to string Then came the Christmas tree (menacing thing). As the tree was brought in there arose a great shout; The pupils were merrily romping about. The state they were in could lead to a riot; The teacher was sure, if allowed, they would try it. Her nerves how they jangled! Her temples were throbbing! The rush of her breath sounded almost like sobbing! The lines of her face were as fixed as a mask; It was plain that she didn't feel up to her task. The look in her eye would have tamed a wild steer, But the children ignored it; they did every year. A tear from her eye and a shake of her head Soon led me to think that she wished she were dead. She spoke not a word but went straight to her work, Strung all the popcorn which broke with a jerk. But at last it was finished and placed on the tree; Then came the bell and the children were free. Their shrill little voices soon faded away And peace was restored at the end of the day. As she looked at the Christmas tree glistening and tall, She smiled as she whispered, "Merry Christmas to All"!!
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Merry Christmas to All
Congratulations to our WRJH Dance Team! They are STATE CHAMPS in KICK and received 3rd place in MIX! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Congratulations to our WRJH Dance Team STATE CHAMPS
Congratulations to our WRJH Dance Team STATE CHAMPS
Claremont 5th graders are helping their 2nd grade writing buddies to revise and publish narratives! We love seeing these future editors at work!!!! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
We love seeing these future editors at work!!!!
We love seeing these future editors at work!!!!
We love seeing these future editors at work!!!!
We love seeing these future editors at work!!!!
Mrs. James' class did another STEM Challenge today where the objective was to build the longest paper chain garland. Students were only allowed to have a pair of scissors, 2 feet of tape, and 1 piece of construction paper as their materials. It was up to them on how to use it to make the chain. After creating the chain, students then measured their garland and made a bar graph with the data. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
STEM chain challenge
STEM chain challenge
STEM chain challenge
Roosa Second Grade went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum! They learned about historical and modern aerospace, space travel, rocketry, and other topics. They went to the Planetarium and learned about Stars and even made our own stomp rockets! The tour included walking through and learning about an American Airlines Md-80! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Roosa Second Grade went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum!
Roosa Second Grade went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum!
Roosa Second Grade went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum!
Roosa Second Grade went to the Tulsa Air and Space Museum!
Mrs. Rhan's 6th grade class designed and created Science games and invited Roosa 3rd grade to come play the games. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Mrs. Rhan's 6th grade class designed and created Science games and invited Roosa 3rd grade to come play the games.
Mrs. Rhan's 6th grade class designed and created Science games and invited Roosa 3rd grade to come play the games.
Mrs. Rhan's 6th grade class designed and created Science games and invited Roosa 3rd grade to come play the games.
6th grade science classes are doing a Winter STEM Challenge where the students have to build a skier out of foil, tape, and popsicle sticks. The skier must look like a person and stay upright. They have to send them down the ramp to "ski". The skier with the fastest time WINS! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
6th grade Science classes are doing a Winter STEM Challenge
6th grade Science classes are doing a Winter STEM Challenge
6th grade Science classes are doing a Winter STEM Challenge
Found my way to a pretty cool place And hopped on top of a sturdy bookcase In the library I could read and read all day Mrs James has plenty of shelves for this elf to play Yesterday was our last day at school Touring your school for sure has been cool! Up on the rooftop perched so high Mrs. Townsend's class can count... oh my I found Mrs. Douthitts elf hanging on a line In a candy can cane countdown until Christmas Time Last but not least I made it to one more Mrs. Stolusky's kindergarten class was my last door I found a guitar and started to play And the kids caught me so I had to be on my way Merry Christmas as I scrambled out of the class This school sure has been a blast! At last I shall be on my way I must check in with Santa before the big day to tell him all the wonderful things I have seen Not a single teacher was naughty or mean They work hard and love on the kids every day The nice list is where ALL teachers shall stay! #elfontheshelfcps #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Final sighting of elf on the shelf
4th grade had some great books to read In Brewster's I brushed up on GE McQueen had the perfect shelf to relax In William's room her space was filled to the max We're getting closer, the time is quite near Times almost up till a happy new year! Follow #elfontheshelfcps to see what mischief our elves get into this month. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Elf on the Shelf
Aryn & Jaalam Brown won the "Principals of the day" auction item last month at the Catalayah Carnival. This week Aryn & Jaalam got to observe classrooms, deliver notes, help host Rise & Shine, and many other essential duties of principalship. Guess who got to eat a special lunch IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE TOO! #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Aryn & Jaalam Brown won the "Principals of the day" auction item last month at the Catalayah Carnival.
Aryn & Jaalam Brown won the "Principals of the day" auction item last month at the Catalayah Carnival.
Aryn & Jaalam Brown won the "Principals of the day" auction item last month at the Catalayah Carnival.
Aryn & Jaalam Brown won the "Principals of the day" auction item last month at the Catalayah Carnival.
"Buddy" has been up to some shenanigans in Mrs. Hutchens' classes that past week. Started the week with a much needed marshmallow bath, made a countdown to Christmas, tried to sneak in through the window and got stuck in the blinds, took a ride on the mighty zebra, missed his friends so much he decided to hang out with their photos and today said goodbye to them until next year. #elfontheshelfcps #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Mrs. Hutchins' class Elf On the Shelf
It was a great day for some Hillcat basketball! We are so thankful for RSU and RCB Bank for inviting Claremont to this event! We have amazing Partners in Education. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Zebras in Hillcat Country
Zebras in Hillcat Country
7th grade science classes are studying meal worms! They are determining how the meal worm responds to different stimuli by giving them different surfaces to move on and measuring how far they go. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
7th grade Science classes are studying meal worms!
7th grade Science classes are studying meal worms!
7th grade Science classes are studying meal worms!
Ritter had papers she needed to file So I hopped on that shelf and helped her awhile Toops class was a blast and she had a whole pile So I jumped right in and swam for awhile Story had shelves all the way to the top Did you know when she's in there she helps kids a lot. Follow #elfontheshelfcps to see what mischief our elves get into this month. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Elf on the Shelf at CPS
Roosa 5th grade students prepared for months for Biztown. A town ran entirely by the students. The students applied for jobs and ran companies in this student-lead town. Here are a few of our students their career choices. Do you remember the job you held at Biztown? #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Roosa 5th grade students prepared for months for  Biztown.
Roosa 5th grade students prepared for months for  Biztown.
Roosa 5th grade students prepared for months for  Biztown.
Peak a boo I see you Mrs. Geranen...won't you come out and play A see saws the way to rock through your day Mrs Browns class has a water fall So this elf jumped in and had a ball In Hutchins room I needed a drink So I got some good ole H2O from the sink One more week to go Till the big Ho Ho Ho! Follow #elfontheshelfcps to see what mischief our elves get into this month. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Elf of CPS
Some of Mrs. Shillings choir students from WRJH attended the OU Young Men’s Vocal Workshop in Norman. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
 OU Young Men’s Vocal Workshop
 OU Young Men’s Vocal Workshop
 OU Young Men’s Vocal Workshop
Claremore High School Career Development Program is hosting a career interviewing workshop this week. This year the program invited the College and Career Classes to participate. Professionals from various community businesses volunteered their time to interview over 150 high school juniors and seniors, review their resumes, and give them feedback on how to strengthen their skills. #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Seated on the lap of their parents during story-time, children too will grow into readers. Mrs. Book's class at Westside has had several guest readers this month, inspiring her students to read. With the holiday break just around the corner, we encourage you to take time to read to your kids during the coming weeks. What's one of your kids' favorite books for you to read to them? #CPSZEBRAPRIDE
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Mrs. Book's class at Westside has had several guest readers this month
The City of Claremore proudly announce one free baseball clinic and one free softball clinic during the month of January 2020. Contact Ron Paris to enroll or ask questions at (918)342-2522 or e-mail
about 5 years ago, CPS Communications
Free Baseball & Softball Clinics