Andrew Mason

🎓#3 Valedictorian - Andrew (Drew) Mason

➡Next Steps: Baylor University 

📚Field of Studies: Business Fellows and Management Information Systems

🦓Zebra Since: Kindergarten 

🔴What advice would you give your freshman self? Get involved! Take advantage of the opportunities to develop relationships and make memories. 

🔴What has this journey taught you about yourself? Throughout my education, I have learned that I can do more than I think I can, that all I need to do is take the first step.

🔴What were the hardest challenges you had to overcome to achieve this honor? To achieve this honor, the hardest part was managing my time. Trying to juggle clubs, sports, classes, leadership roles, church, and more can be taxing, but in the end I’m a better person for it.

🔴What does this accomplishment mean to you? It means a great deal. I place high expectations upon myself, so being able to meet my goals is an awesome feeling. 

🔴What are you most proud of in your high school career? In my high school career, the thing I’m most proud of is how I’ve been able to push myself to achieve the goals that I’ve set.

🔴Looking back on your school experience at CPS, what does being a Zebra mean to you? To me, being a Zebra means being better than a Tiger. Beat Pryor! 

🔴What elementary staff member made the biggest impact on your life, and how? The elementary staff member that made the biggest impact was my 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Brasher at Roosa Elementary. She’s been one of my biggest supporters, and I’m so thankful to have had her as a teacher.

🔴What junior high staff member made the biggest impact on your life, and how? The junior high staff member that made the biggest impact on my life was Mrs. Braucher at Justus-Tiawah. As my teacher for history as well as my coach for the academic team, she gets the credit for both my love of history and trivia.

🔴What high school staff member made the biggest impact on your life, and how? The high school staff member who has made the biggest impact on me is Mrs. Steidley. Mrs. Steidley is both my engineering teacher as well as my SkillsUSA advisor. Having had her in my life since freshman year, I can confidently say that her kindness and thoughtful advising have made a huge impact on my life. 

🔴What activities have you been involved in? AP/Pre-AP Programs, Book Club, Chemistry Club, Christian Club, FCA, FUZE, Math Club, National Honor Society, NTC, Red Army, SkillsUSA, Zebra Football, and Zebra Tennis 

🔴What is the one thing you will absolutely take with you to college? The one thing I will absolutely take with me is my cardboard cut-out of the character Klaud from Star Wars. 


Recipient of the Baylor Achievement Scholarship, Bluejacket Memorial Scholarship, Baylor Distinction Scholarship, and the Claremore Alumni Scholarship. 

🔴Awards and Honors 

Recipient of the National Merit Rural and Small Town Recognition Award, 2023 football All District Center, Z-Awards for Pre-AP Biology, Geography, and Pre-AP English 1, Outstanding Student Award for Honors English 2, Honors Algebra 3, and Pre-AP Calculus, Elks Lodge Outstanding Math Award, SkillsUSA Quiz Bowl 2x State Champion, and Student of the Month. 
