WRJH / CHS @ 2:30 PM
Elementary @ 2:00 PM

We know we live in the Information Age and CPS wants to make sure you stay connected with what is happening at our schools. There are so many accomplishments, innovative ideas, outstanding teachers, and progress happening that we want to celebrate it with you.
Here is how you can get connected, stay connected, and be a part of connecting others.

Mark your calendars for OH! WHATA NIGHT! Thursday, September 12th from 5pm to 8pm. Whataburger will donate 20% of their sales to Claremore Public School Foundation!

We’re thrilled to announce Claremore Public
Schools, new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria
menus, news updates, even emergency notifications!
Download the app on Android: http://bit.ly/2OE8G1C or
iPhone: https://apple.co/2MDu6cz

CPS Parent Portal is one way we keep you informed about your students' academics and attendance. Letters with your activation codes were sent home with your student last week. However, if you encounter any issues or did not receive the form, please contact lkibbe@claremore.k12.ok.us.

Early Out Friday Starts TODAY!

Tickets are now on sale for CPSF Claremore's Got Talent!

As you prepare for your back to school routines - here are the school times for each site. When a child is not present or on time they miss vital instructional material. Attendance Matters! Education Matters!

Five teachers attened #CPSSTAFFSUMMERSCHOOL professional development from EduSkills for our EL (English Language Learners) teachers. This PD focused on new changes in Oklahoma state law and how to use the latest software program, which simplifies paperwork. Guero Loco also trained teachers on how to reach our English Learner students in fun, positive ways through music and relationships.
Left to right: Jamie Hernandez, Kristy Hostler, performer Guero Loco, Rachel Foster, Vicki Hanson, and Stacye Bacon

Teaching children about their bodies, and how to respect and care for them is a top priority for our physical education department district-wide. Professional Learning Communities are not just for core subjects. CPS Elementary PE teachers planned their own #CPSSTAFFSUMMERSCHOOL and took a day to collaborate and prepare curriculum for the new school year. In addition to exercising the body, our students will be learning about bones, muscles, the circulatory system, and nutrition.
Erica Johnson - Roosa, Sommer Faulconer - Westside, Jeannie Seidel - Catalayah, and Debbie Steuart - Claremont are all excited to get the new school year started!

ALL SPORTS PASSES & Reserved Football Seats are NOW ON SALE!

Claremore Public Schools participated in the 5th annual Rogers County Coalition Back-To-School Bash! Claremore principals passed out school supply lists and school supplies to those in attendance. They also enjoyed answering questions & talking with parents and students.

Four WRJH teachers attended #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL hosted by Open Up Resources: Rhonda Bart, Karey Provence, Kelli Hightower, and Melynee Naegele. Open Up offers a math curriculum for 6th - 8th grade combined with quality professional development for teachers.
Open Up Resources began as the K-12 Collaborative, a 13-state initiative to address quality gaps in the curriculum market. They partnered with leading math and ELA experts to design the very best standards-aligned core programs.
Their products are provided to districts at no cost by publishing them as Open Educational Resources. Open Up Resources couples that curriculum with opportunities for essential supports, from professional development by the nation's premier teachers and educational experts to printed materials.
In addition, Melynee Naegele - WRJH Math Teacher, was one of the featured presenters. She shared her best practices on how she implements the Open Up Math curriculum in her classroom.

The purpose of Back to School Night is to allow the parents/guardians/children an opportunity to come to the school and become acclimated for this school year. Whether it's your first child or your fourth, we encourage you to come:
1. Meet the teacher
2. Learn about the curriculum
3. Meet other parents
4. Discover clubs, organizations, co-curricular activities
5. Discover opportunities to support your child, the teacher & the school
6. Bring your supplies and get settled in your classroom/locker

Here they are! We are extremely proud to introduce you to the 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year finalists! 🎉🎉🎉
Details, names and districts here: http://bit.ly/2020OKTOY
“These 12 individuals represent the highest standard of education in our state and are exceptional examples of the tremendous impact one person can make in the lives of kids.” - State Superintendent Joy Hofmeister
Congrats, everyone! The 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year will be named Sept. 17 in a ceremony at State Fair Park in Oklahoma City.

Claremore Public School is NOW HIRING dynamic and passionate teachers to be a part of our teaching teams at Roosa Elementary and Claremore High School.
Apply at: www.claremore.k12.ok.us/employment

Not only are CPS teachers attending #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL, but many are also sharing their expertise with teachers nation-wide. Claremore's very own Melynee Naegele will be a featured guest speaker at the 2019 Build Math Minds Virtual Summit this year. The Virtual Summit has 39 sessions for math teachers. Harnassing the technology we use to teach with is a cost-effective way teachers can expand their knowledge, resources, and professional community right from home - on a laptop or tablet. It's PD at Your Fingertips!
The summit begins on July 28 and FREE registration is open now. If you haven't already registered for the summit, you can learn more about it and register here: https://buildmathminds.com/virtual-math-summit/.
Mrs. Maegele will be covering "Making the Most of Your Virtual PLC."
The summit is primarily K-5, but most of the presenters span K-12. Naegele's presentation is for anyone wanting to harness Twitter's education community more effectively.

Several Claremore Public School Teachers attended #STAFFSUMMERSCHOOL at the Port of Catoosa's Career Highway event.
Located at the head of navigation for the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System in Northeast Oklahoma, it is one of the largest, most inland river-ports in the United States. Whether it's agricultural commodities, building materials, petroleum products or machinery, it can be shipped in and out of the Tulsa Port of Catoosa daily using a combination of barge, rail and truck.
Seventy companies are located within the 2,000-acre industrial park at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa.
"The story of the Port of Catoosa and Former Governor Kerr is a large part of our area's history and it is not well known! The knowledge I gained today is important and needs to be taught! Manufacturing is a large part of our livelihood in the US and skilled laborers are in high demand to work in these jobs!" - Mary Kropp, Roosa Elementary Teacher
"I attended a Career Highway event today at the Tulsa Port of Catoosa and found the Oklahoma Agriculture magazine front & center when I walked in! This inland port plays an integral part in the agriculture industry here Oklahoma. While there, we also got to tour TC Transcontinental Packaging company. I had no idea so much detail and legality went into the packaging process. Bone-In products require different packing than standard cuts. Re-heating of products, presentation of goods and environmental impact are also just a few factors that go into packaging meat products.
We also discussed the extreme lack of manufacturing workforce in Oklahoma. Many of these companies have the capability to expand but labor is the number one limiting factor. Most employees in this manufacturing sector start at $18+/hour with benefits, yet they still have trouble finding qualified workers.
By the way, I didn't see any employees with a cell phone out or earbuds in listening to music either. Show up on time, WORK HARD & pass a drug test!" - Matt Boyer, Agriculture Education Teacher / FFA Advisor
There are several ways to pursue post-secondary education: college, military, career-tech, and apprenticeships. Because only 38% of all Oklahoma graduating seniors will earn a Bachelor's Degree, it's essential to consider the "other" options that will provide a necessary skill, not leave you with any debt, and will allow you to make good money and have a good life.

"No high school in the state does homecoming like Claremore!" We hear that over and over from our alumni and teachers. Elementary tours, Float Building, Spirit Lunches, Door Decorating, Parade on Will Rogers Blvd., All Class Alumni Luncheon, Reunions, and of course Coronation of epic proportions have come to define northeast Oklahoma's greatest homecoming.
StuCo is looking to revisit some of the THEMES and TRADITIONS of the past.
So, "... as the Zebras come galloping home," we'd love to hear from our alumni as you remember your homecomings at CHS. Comment below the year you graduated and the homecoming theme you remember most.
#throwbackthursday #CPSZEBRAPRIDE

"No high school in the state does homecoming like Claremore!" We hear that over and over from our alumni and teachers. Elementary tours, Float Building, Spirit Lunches, Door Decorating, Parade on Will Rogers Blvd., All Class Alumni Luncheon, Reunions, and of course Coronation of epic proportions have come to define northeast Oklahoma's greatest homecoming.
StuCo is looking to revisit some of the THEMES and TRADITIONS of the past.
So, "... as the Zebras come galloping home," we'd love to hear from our alumni as you remember your homecomings at CHS. Comment below the year you graduated and the homecoming theme you remember most.
#throwbackthursday #CPSZEBRAPRIDE