2019-20 Johnson-O'Malley (JOM) School Supply Distribution - Students with their official Native American membership &/or Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood).
JOM students may pick up their school supplies at the Education Service Center located at 101 W. 11th Street on the dates listed below.
- Thursday, August 8 / 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Friday, August 9 / 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
We encourage ALL those that are registered with our JOM program to pick up your supplies. The grant is based on the number of students that actually pick up their supplies - not on those registered. If you do not need the supplies you may donate them to the counselors who will use them to help other students.
For information and questions, please contact: Cindy Sullivan, JOM Coordinator at csullivan@claremore.k12.ok.us