FORD Drive For Your Schools

We are pleased to invite you to join your community in raising money for Claremore Public School District at an event that is sure to cause some excitement – Drive 4 UR Community!

For every person who takes a test-drive in a Ford vehicle during our event, Ford Motor Company will donate $20 to Claremore Public Schools. In total, as much as $6,000 could be raised! 

Every year, community organizations struggle to attain funding at the local, state and federal levels in order to support their overall goals. Claremore Public Schools’ vision is that ALL students will have the options to provide evidence of their learning in numerous ways.  Gaining necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to achieve their dreams and become successful members of the community in which they live.   This fundraising event is a unique way to fill some of those financial gaps to achieving their goals. By taking a simple test-drive, you can support this cause and help Claremore Public Schools in a meaningful way!

Please mark your calendars and invite family, friends and neighbors to join in supporting Claremore Public Schools and your local community! Registration is not required but if you want to speed up the process you can pre-register here:

WHEN:            NOVEMBER 7, 2019

                        4PM – 8PM


WHERE:          Claremore High School        

                        201 E Stuart Roosa – Claremore


Strong Schools – Strong Community – Zebra Strong

Thank you,

Bryan Frazier


Claremore Public Schools


For more information about Drive 4 UR Community visit